> 文章列表 > 22级ACM 4.16 周赛 题解

22级ACM 4.16 周赛 题解

22级ACM 4.16 周赛 题解


A 题 题解

Count Interval AtCoder - abc233_d_霾まる的博客-CSDN博客

B题 题解

2021四川省icpc省赛H题 Nihongo wa Muzukashii Desu 日本語は難しいです!_霾まる的博客-CSDN博客

C题 题解:

线段树的典题,输入 去重 二分 线段树区间修改 最后求值即可。emmmmm,可能难在了 离散化去重的思想?还是线段树的板子? (本来想拉道线段树的板子,看看大家学的怎么样,拉的这道题没有达到效果,感觉这道题拉的挺失败的,应该拉道更板子的


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int,int>PII;
int t;
int n,an;
int ans=0;
struct we{int l,r;
int tr[400005];
bool v[10000000];
int b[400005];
void add(int l,int r,int x,int L,int R,int id){if(L<=l&&R>=r){tr[x]=id;return;}if(tr[x]){tr[x<<1]=tr[x];tr[x<<1|1]=tr[x];tr[x]=0;}int mid=(l+r)>>1;if(L<=mid)add(l,mid,x<<1,L,R,id);if(R>mid)add(mid+1,r,x<<1|1,L,R,id);
}void cha(int x,int l,int r){if(l==r){if(v[tr[x]]==0&&tr[x]){ans++;v[tr[x]]=1;}return;}if(tr[x]){tr[x<<1]=tr[x<<1|1]=tr[x];tr[x]=0;}int mid=(l+r)>>1;cha(x<<1,l,mid);cha(x<<1|1,mid+1,r);
}int main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie();cout.tie();cin>>t;while(t--){cin>>n;memset(v,0,sizeof v);memset(tr,0,sizeof tr);an=0;ans=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){cin>>hh[i].l>>hh[i].r;b[++an]=hh[i].l;b[++an]=hh[i].r;}sort(b+1,b+an+1);an=unique(b+1,b+an+1)-b-1;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){int l=lower_bound(b+1,b+an,hh[i].l)-b;int r=lower_bound(b+1,b+an,hh[i].r)-b;add(1,an,1,l,r,i);}cha(1,1,an);printf("%d\\n",ans);}}


The 2021 CCPC Guangzhou Onsited

是这场中的 H  签到题

题解的话,看这篇比较好,我觉得写的优雅 又 美丽

2021CCPC广州 H. Three Integers_h three integers__sky123_的博客-CSDN博客

E 题


推结论的话,也很好推。不推结论的话,打表 或者 手模样例,最多到5,就能发现规律。可惜没有人写。(唉,这道题网上的题解感觉写的都挺烂,什么题解,还要我亲自动手写)




#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace::std;
typedef long long  ll;
inline char nc() {static char buf[1000000], *p1 = buf, *p2 = buf;return p1 == p2 && (p2 = (p1 = buf) + fread(buf, 1, 1000000, stdin), p1 == p2) ? EOF : *p1++;
template <typename _Tp> inline void read(_Tp&sum) {char ch = nc(); sum = 0;while (!(ch >= '0'&&ch <= '9')) ch = nc();while (ch >= '0'&&ch <= '9') sum = (sum << 3) + (sum << 1) + (ch - 48), ch = nc();
inline __int128 read128(){__int128 x = 0, f = 1;char ch128 = getchar();while(ch128 < '0' || ch128 > '9'){if(ch128 == '-')f = -1;ch128 = getchar();}while(ch128 >= '0' && ch128 <= '9'){x = x * 10 + ch128 - '0';ch128 = getchar();}return x * f;
inline void print128(__int128 x){if(x < 0){putchar('-');x = -x;}if(x > 9)print128(x / 10);putchar(x % 10 + '0');
//struct dian{
//    double x,y;
//double len(dian x,dian y){
//    return sqrt((x.x-y.x)*(x.x-y.x)+(x.y-y.y)*(x.y-y.y));
//double xj(dian x,dian y,dian z){
//    x.x-=y.x;
//    x.y-=y.y;
//    z.x-=y.x;
//    z.y-=y.y;
//    return x.x*z.y-x.y*z.x;
int n,t;
const ll N=998244353;
ll ksm(ll x,ll y){ll oper=1;while (y) {if (y&1) {oper=oper*x%N;}x=x*x%N;y>>=1;}return oper;
void wanyurukong(){cin>>n;ll na=1;if (n<=3) {for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {na*=i;}}else{na=3*ksm(2, n-2)%N;}cout<<na<<"\\n";
int main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(); cout.tie();cin>>t;while (t--) {wanyurukong();}//wanyurukongreturn 0;




using namespace std;
int c[1005];
int main()
{int a,b,k;cin>>a>>b>>k;if(a==b){cout<<1<<".";for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)cout<<0;}else{int z=0;while(z<=k+1){z++;a*=10;c[z]=a/b;if(a>=b&&a!=0)a=a%b;}if(c[k+1]>=5)c[k]+=1;cout<<0<<".";for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)cout<<c[i];}return 0;

G 题



H 题

吉林省赛 拓扑排序的板子题,应该是没人会的,可以都去学一下,这个类似于一种思想。


/*Looking! The blitz loop this planet to search wayOnly my RAILGUN can shoot it 今すぐ身体中を  光の速さで駆け巡った確かな予感掴め! 望むものなら残さず輝ける自分らしさで信じてるよ  あの日の誓いをこの瞳に光る涙それさえも  強さになるから*/
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace::std;
typedef long long  ll;
inline char nc() {static char buf[1000000], *p1 = buf, *p2 = buf;return p1 == p2 && (p2 = (p1 = buf) + fread(buf, 1, 1000000, stdin), p1 == p2) ? EOF : *p1++;
template <typename _Tp> inline void read(_Tp&sum) {char ch = nc(); sum = 0;while (!(ch >= '0'&&ch <= '9')) ch = nc();while (ch >= '0'&&ch <= '9') sum = (sum << 3) + (sum << 1) + (ch - 48), ch = nc();
inline __int128 read128(){__int128 x = 0, f = 1;char ch128 = getchar();while(ch128 < '0' || ch128 > '9'){if(ch128 == '-')f = -1;ch128 = getchar();}while(ch128 >= '0' && ch128 <= '9'){x = x * 10 + ch128 - '0';ch128 = getchar();}return x * f;
inline void print128(__int128 x){if(x < 0){putchar('-');x = -x;}if(x > 9)print128(x / 10);putchar(x % 10 + '0');
//struct dian{
//    double x,y;
//double len(dian x,dian y){
//    return sqrt((x.x-y.x)*(x.x-y.x)+(x.y-y.y)*(x.y-y.y));
//double xj(dian x,dian y,dian z){
//    x.x-=y.x;
//    x.y-=y.y;
//    z.x-=y.x;
//    z.y-=y.y;
//    return x.x*z.y-x.y*z.x;
int n;
int ff[1005][1005];
int h[1005],l[1005];
int s1[1005],s2[1005];
int enddh[1005],enddl[1005];
pair<int, int>jkl;
int main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(); cout.tie();cin>>n;for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {for (int j =1; j<=n; j++) {cin>>ff[i][j];if (ff[i][j]!=-1) {h[i]++;l[j]++;s1[i]^=ff[i][j];s2[j]^=ff[i][j];}}}for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {cin>>enddh[i];}for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {cin>>enddl[i];}queue<pair<int, int>>q;for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {for (int j =1; j<=n; j++) {if (ff[i][j]==-1&&(h[i]==n-1||l[j]==n-1)) {q.push({i,j});}}}while (!q.empty()) {jkl=q.front();q.pop();if (h[jkl.first]==n-1) {ff[jkl.first][jkl.second]=enddh[jkl.first]^s1[jkl.first];}if(l[jkl.second]==n-1){ff[jkl.first][jkl.second]=enddl[jkl.second]^s2[jkl.second];}s2[jkl.second]^=ff[jkl.first][jkl.second];s1[jkl.first]^=ff[jkl.first][jkl.second];h[jkl.first]++;l[jkl.second]++;if ( l[jkl.second]==n-1) {for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {if (ff[i][jkl.second]==-1) {q.push({i,jkl.second});break;}}}if (h[jkl.first]==n-1) {for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {if (ff[jkl.first][i]==-1) {q.push({jkl.first,i});break;}}}}for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {for (int j =1; j<=n; j++) {if (ff[i][j]==-1) {printf("-1\\n");return 0;}}}for (int i =1; i<=n; i++) {for (int j =1; j<=n; j++) {printf("%d ",ff[i][j]);}printf("\\n");}return 0;

I 题

没什么好说的,就是树状数组的板子题。找一下 逆序对 就好,这道题甚至不需要离散化。

树状数组专题的第一道题 是需要 离散化的 找逆序对,按道理来说应该能直接写出来的。

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int t,x,y,n;
ll a[500005];
ll b[500005];
ll lowbit(ll x){return x&(-x);	
void add(ll x){for(int i=x;i<=n;i+=lowbit(i)){b[i]++;}
ll cha(ll x){ll ans=0;for(int i=x;i>0;i-=lowbit(i)){ans+=b[i];}return ans;
int main(){ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie();cout.tie();cin>>t;while(t--){memset(b,0,sizeof b);cin>>n;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cin>>a[i];ll ans=0;for(int i=n;i>=1;i--){
//			cout<<cha(a[i])<<"***\\n";ans+=cha(a[i]);add(a[i]);}printf("%lld\\n",ans);}}

本来预期 人均 5~6题,中间还感觉题拉简单了,后来发现 感觉 早了。
