> 文章列表 > Linktable增加Callback方式的接口






/** Serach a LinkTableNode from LinkTable* int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void * args);*/
tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void *args), void * args);


/** Serach a LinkTableNode from LinkTable* int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void * args);*/
tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void *args), void * args)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL || Condition == NULL){return NULL;}tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;while (pNode != NULL){if (Condition(pNode, args) == SUCCESS){return pNode;}pNode = pNode->pNext;}return NULL;



typedef struct DataNode
{tLinkTableNode head;char* cmd;char* desc;int (*handler)();
}tDataNode;int SearchCondition(tLinkTableNode *pLinkTableNode, void *args)
{char * cmd = (char*) args;tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode *)pLinkTableNode;if (strcmp(pNode->cmd, cmd) == 0){return SUCCESS;}return FAILURE;
}/* find a cmd in the linklist and return the datanode pointer */
tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd)
{return (tDataNode *)SearchLinkTableNode(head, SearchCondition, (void *)cmd);


int main()
{InitMenuData(&head);/* cmd line begins */while (1){char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];printf("Input cmd > ");scanf("%s", cmd);tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);if (p == NULL){printf("This is a wrong cmd!\\n");continue;}printf("%s - %s\\n", p->cmd, p->desc); if (p->handler != NULL){p->handler();}}return 0;


由于在具体业务模块,我们已经明确传入的args参数为用户输入的指令(如help、version或quit),所以我们可以将void *args强制类型转换为char *类型,然后根据char *类型进行后续的处理。

但是在通用软件模块,我们为了保证此模块的通用性,需要将传入的参数args定义为void *类型,以便于今后其他业务模块复用此模块。



typedef struct DataNode
{tLinkTableNode head;char* cmd;char* desc;int (*handler)();


struct LinkTableNode
{struct LinkTableNode * pNext;









#include <pthread.h>/** LinkTable Node Type*/
struct LinkTableNode
{struct LinkTableNode * pNext;
};/** LinkTable Type*/
struct LinkTable
{struct LinkTableNode *pHead;struct LinkTableNode *pTail;int SumOfNode;pthread_mutex_t mutex;


#ifndef _LINK_TABLE_H_
#define _LINK_TABLE_H_#include "linktableInternal.h"#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE (-1)/** LinkTable Node Type*/
typedef struct LinkTableNode tLinkTableNode;/** LinkTable Type*/
typedef struct LinkTable tLinkTable;/** Create a LinkTable*/
tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable();/** Delete a LinkTable*/
int DeleteLinkTable(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);/** Add a LinkTableNode to LinkTable*/
int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);/** Delete a LinkTableNode from LinkTable*/
int DelLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);/** Serach a LinkTableNode from LinkTable* int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void * args);*/
tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void *args), void * args);/** get LinkTableHead*/
tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);/** get next LinkTableNode*/
tLinkTableNode *GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode);#endif /* _LINK_TABLE_H_ */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "linktable.h"/** Create a LinkTable*/
tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable()
{tLinkTable * pLinkTable = (tLinkTable *)malloc(sizeof(tLinkTable));if (pLinkTable == NULL){return NULL;}pLinkTable->pHead = NULL;pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;pLinkTable->SumOfNode = 0;pthread_mutex_init(&(pLinkTable->mutex), NULL);return pLinkTable;
}/** Delete a LinkTable*/
int DeleteLinkTable(tLinkTable *pLinkTable)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL){return FAILURE;}while (pLinkTable->pHead != NULL){tLinkTableNode *p = pLinkTable->pHead;pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));pLinkTable->pHead = pLinkTable->pHead->pNext;pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1;pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));free(p);}pLinkTable->pHead = NULL;pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;pLinkTable->SumOfNode = 0;pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pLinkTable->mutex));free(pLinkTable);return SUCCESS;
}/** Add a LinkTableNode to LinkTable*/
int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL){return FAILURE;}pNode->pNext = NULL;pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));if (pLinkTable->pHead == NULL){pLinkTable->pHead = pNode;}if (pLinkTable->pTail == NULL){pLinkTable->pTail = pNode;}else{pLinkTable->pTail->pNext = pNode;pLinkTable->pTail = pNode;}pLinkTable->SumOfNode += 1;pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));return SUCCESS;
}/** Delete a LinkTableNode from LinkTable*/
int DelLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL){return FAILURE;}pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));if (pLinkTable->pHead == pNode){pLinkTable->pHead = pLinkTable->pHead->pNext;pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1;if (pLinkTable->SumOfNode == 0){pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;}pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));return SUCCESS;}tLinkTableNode * pTempNode = pLinkTable->pHead;while (pTempNode != NULL){if (pTempNode->pNext == pNode){pTempNode->pNext = pTempNode->pNext->pNext;pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1;if (pLinkTable->SumOfNode == 0){pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;}pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));return SUCCESS;}pTempNode = pTempNode->pNext;}pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));return FAILURE;
}/** Serach a LinkTableNode from LinkTable* int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void * args);*/
tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Condition(tLinkTableNode *pNode, void *args), void * args)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL || Condition == NULL){return NULL;}tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;while (pNode != NULL){if (Condition(pNode, args) == SUCCESS){return pNode;}pNode = pNode->pNext;}return NULL;
}/** get LinkTableHead*/
tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL){return NULL;}return pLinkTable->pHead;
}/** get next LinkTableNode*/
tLinkTableNode *GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, tLinkTableNode *pNode)
{if (pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL){return NULL;}tLinkTableNode * pTempNode = pLinkTable->pHead;while (pTempNode != NULL){if (pTempNode == pNode){return pTempNode->pNext;}pTempNode = pTempNode->pNext;}return NULL;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "linktable.h"int Help();
int Quit();#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128
#define DESC_LEN 1024
#define CMD_NUM 10typedef struct DataNode
{tLinkTableNode head;char* cmd;char* desc;int (*handler)();
}tDataNode;int SearchCondition(tLinkTableNode *pLinkTableNode, void *args)
{char * cmd = (char*) args;tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode *)pLinkTableNode;if (strcmp(pNode->cmd, cmd) == 0){return SUCCESS;}return FAILURE;
}/* find a cmd in the linklist and return the datanode pointer */
tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd)
{return (tDataNode *)SearchLinkTableNode(head, SearchCondition, (void *)cmd);
}/* show all cmd in listlist */
int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable * head)
{tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode *)GetLinkTableHead(head);while (pNode != NULL){printf("%s - %s\\n", pNode->cmd, pNode->desc);pNode = (tDataNode *)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode *)pNode);}return 0;
}int InitMenuData(tLinkTable ** ppLinktable)
{*ppLinktable = CreateLinkTable();tDataNode* pNode = (tDataNode *)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));pNode->cmd = "help";pNode->desc = "Menu List:";pNode->handler = Help;AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable, (tLinkTableNode *)pNode);pNode = (tDataNode *)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));pNode->cmd = "version";pNode->desc = "Menu Program V1.0";pNode->handler = NULL;AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable, (tLinkTableNode *)pNode);pNode = (tDataNode *)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));pNode->cmd = "quit";pNode->desc = "Quit from Menu Program V1.0";pNode->handler = Quit;AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinktable, (tLinkTableNode *)pNode);return 0;
}/* menu program */tLinkTable * head = NULL;int main()
{InitMenuData(&head);/* cmd line begins */while (1){char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];printf("Input cmd > ");scanf("%s", cmd);tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);if (p == NULL){printf("This is a wrong cmd!\\n");continue;}printf("%s - %s\\n", p->cmd, p->desc); if (p->handler != NULL){p->handler();}}return 0;
}int Help()
{printf("This is help can do for you:\\n");ShowAllCmd(head);return 0;
}int Quit()
{printf("Bye Bye\\n");exit(0);
