> 文章列表 > Tell me the following codes meaning “rate = rospy.Rate(10)“

Tell me the following codes meaning “rate = rospy.Rate(10)“

Tell me the following codes meaning “rate = rospy.Rate(10)“

The code “rate = rospy.Rate(10)” means that this Rospy node will run at 10 Hertz (10 cycles per second).
Rospy is a Python client library for ROS (Robot Operating System). It allows you to quickly write ROS nodes (programs) in Python.
The rospy.Rate() call allows you to specify a fixed rate at which a loop in your node will run. In this case, by passing 10 as the argument, it means:

  • The loop will run 10 times per second
  • Each iteration of the loop will take 0.1 seconds (1/10 = 0.1)
  • If an iteration takes longer than 0.1 seconds to complete, the next iteration will start immediately after
  • If an iteration completes faster than 0.1 seconds, rospy.Rate.sleep() will sleep the thread until 0.1 seconds have passed before starting the next iteration
    So in short, it allows you to have a fixed frequency loop in your ROS node.
    Some examples of using rospy.Rate() would be:
rate = rospy.Rate(10)   # 10hz 
while not rospy.is_shutdown():do_something()rate.sleep()

This would run do_something() 10 times per second.

ate = rospy.Rate(1)   # 1hz 
for i in range(100): do_something(i)rate.sleep() 

This would iterate 100 times, running do_something() at 1Hz, so the full loop would take 100 seconds.
