> 文章列表 > Oracle OCI 修改 Compute Instance Hostname

Oracle OCI 修改 Compute Instance Hostname

Oracle OCI 修改 Compute Instance Hostname

Oracle OCI 修改 Compute Instance Hostname

  • Oracle Linux 7 及之后的版本

Oracle Linux 7 及之后的版本

1, Update the /etc/hostname file with below command.

hostnamectl set-hostname <new name>

2, Edit the oci configuration file for hostnames as given below to update the needed value to 2.

vi /etc/oci-hostname.conf--- modify

3, Edit the FQDN from OCI console GUI
go to compute instances
–> select the instance
–> scroll down
–> at the left bottom corner select attached VNIC under resources
–> edit appropriate VNIC
–> change hostname to update FQDN
–> update VNIC

4: Reboot the instance

5: Check the hostname with hostname command.

6: Check if FQDN is resolving.

host <ip adress>
nslookup <ip adress>
