> 文章列表 > 【几何图形的继承和派生】














The area of the Cirele is:78.5

The area of the Recanale is:24

The area of the Recanale is:25



#include <sstream>
#include <numeric>
#pragma warning (disable:4996)using namespace std;const double PI = 3.14159265; class Shape { // 基类Shape
public:virtual double GetArea() const = 0; // 纯虚函数,用于计算面积virtual ~Shape() {}
};class Rectangle : public Shape { // 矩形类
private:double length, width; // 长、宽
public:Rectangle(double l = 0, double w = 0) : length(l), width(w) {}double GetArea() const { return length * width; } // 计算面积~Rectangle() {}
};class Circle : public Shape { // 圆类
private:double radius; // 半径
public:Circle(double r = 0) : radius(r) {}double GetArea() const { return PI * radius * radius; } // 计算面积~Circle() {} 
};class Square : public Rectangle { // 正方形类,继承自矩形类
public:Square(double s) : Rectangle(s, s) {} ~Square() {} 
};int main() {Shape* s1 = new Circle(5); cout << "The area of the Cirele is:" <<fixed<<setprecision(1)<< s1->GetArea() << endl;delete s1; Shape* s2 = new Rectangle(4, 6); cout << "The area of the Recanale is:" << fixed << setprecision(0)<< s2->GetArea() << endl;delete s2; Shape* s3 = new Square(5);cout << "The area of the Recanale is:" << fixed << setprecision(0) << s3->GetArea() << endl;delete s3; return 0;