> 文章列表 > DPDK系列之十三虚拟化virtio源码分析之应用层







/*** @internal* The generic data structure associated with each ethernet device.** Pointers to burst-oriented packet receive and transmit functions are* located at the beginning of the structure, along with the pointer to* where all the data elements for the particular device are stored in shared* memory. This split allows the function pointer and driver data to be per-* process, while the actual configuration data for the device is shared.*/
struct rte_eth_dev {eth_rx_burst_t rx_pkt_burst; /**< Pointer to PMD receive function. */eth_tx_burst_t tx_pkt_burst; /**< Pointer to PMD transmit function. */eth_tx_prep_t tx_pkt_prepare; /**< Pointer to PMD transmit prepare function. *//*** Next two fields are per-device data but *data is shared between* primary and secondary processes and *process_private is per-process* private. The second one is managed by PMDs if necessary.*/struct rte_eth_dev_data *data;  /**< Pointer to device data. */void *process_private; /**< Pointer to per-process device data. */const struct eth_dev_ops *dev_ops; /**< Functions exported by PMD */struct rte_device *device; /**< Backing device */struct rte_intr_handle *intr_handle; /**< Device interrupt handle *//** User application callbacks for NIC interrupts */struct rte_eth_dev_cb_list link_intr_cbs;/*** User-supplied functions called from rx_burst to post-process* received packets before passing them to the user*/struct rte_eth_rxtx_callback *post_rx_burst_cbs[RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT];/*** User-supplied functions called from tx_burst to pre-process* received packets before passing them to the driver for transmission.*/struct rte_eth_rxtx_callback *pre_tx_burst_cbs[RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT];enum rte_eth_dev_state state; /**< Flag indicating the port state */void *security_ctx; /**< Context for security ops */uint64_t reserved_64s[4]; /**< Reserved for future fields */void *reserved_ptrs[4];   /**< Reserved for future fields * /
/*** @internal A structure containing the functions exported by an Ethernet driver.*/
struct eth_dev_ops {eth_dev_configure_t        dev_configure; /**< Configure device. */eth_dev_start_t            dev_start;     /**< Start device. */eth_dev_stop_t             dev_stop;      /**< Stop device. */eth_dev_set_link_up_t      dev_set_link_up;   /**< Device link up. */eth_dev_set_link_down_t    dev_set_link_down; /**< Device link down. */eth_dev_close_t            dev_close;     /**< Close device. */eth_dev_reset_t		   dev_reset;	  /**< Reset device. */eth_link_update_t          link_update;   /**< Get device link state. */eth_is_removed_t           is_removed;/**< Check if the device was physically removed. */eth_promiscuous_enable_t   promiscuous_enable; /**< Promiscuous ON. */eth_promiscuous_disable_t  promiscuous_disable;/**< Promiscuous OFF. */eth_allmulticast_enable_t  allmulticast_enable;/**< RX multicast ON. */eth_allmulticast_disable_t allmulticast_disable;/**< RX multicast OFF. */eth_mac_addr_remove_t      mac_addr_remove; /**< Remove MAC address. */eth_mac_addr_add_t         mac_addr_add;  /**< Add a MAC address. */eth_mac_addr_set_t         mac_addr_set;  /**< Set a MAC address. */eth_set_mc_addr_list_t     set_mc_addr_list; /**< set list of mcast addrs. */mtu_set_t                  mtu_set;       /**< Set MTU. */eth_stats_get_t            stats_get;     /**< Get generic device statistics. */eth_stats_reset_t          stats_reset;   /**< Reset generic device statistics. */eth_xstats_get_t           xstats_get;    /**< Get extended device statistics. */eth_xstats_reset_t         xstats_reset;  /**< Reset extended device statistics. */eth_xstats_get_names_t     xstats_get_names;/**< Get names of extended statistics. */eth_queue_stats_mapping_set_t queue_stats_mapping_set;/**< Configure per queue stat counter mapping. */eth_dev_infos_get_t        dev_infos_get; /**< Get device info. */eth_rxq_info_get_t         rxq_info_get; /**< retrieve RX queue information. */eth_txq_info_get_t         txq_info_get; /**< retrieve TX queue information. */eth_burst_mode_get_t       rx_burst_mode_get; /**< Get RX burst mode */eth_burst_mode_get_t       tx_burst_mode_get; /**< Get TX burst mode */eth_fw_version_get_t       fw_version_get; /**< Get firmware version. */eth_dev_supported_ptypes_get_t dev_supported_ptypes_get;/**< Get packet types supported and identified by device. */eth_dev_ptypes_set_t dev_ptypes_set;/**< Inform Ethernet device about reduced range of packet types to handle. */vlan_filter_set_t          vlan_filter_set; /**< Filter VLAN Setup. */vlan_tpid_set_t            vlan_tpid_set; /**< Outer/Inner VLAN TPID Setup. */vlan_strip_queue_set_t     vlan_strip_queue_set; /**< VLAN Stripping on queue. */vlan_offload_set_t         vlan_offload_set; /**< Set VLAN Offload. */vlan_pvid_set_t            vlan_pvid_set; /**< Set port based TX VLAN insertion. */eth_queue_start_t          rx_queue_start;/**< Start RX for a queue. */eth_queue_stop_t           rx_queue_stop; /**< Stop RX for a queue. */eth_queue_start_t          tx_queue_start;/**< Start TX for a queue. */eth_queue_stop_t           tx_queue_stop; /**< Stop TX for a queue. */eth_rx_queue_setup_t       rx_queue_setup;/**< Set up device RX queue. */eth_queue_release_t        rx_queue_release; /**< Release RX queue. */eth_rx_queue_count_t       rx_queue_count;/**< Get the number of used RX descriptors. */eth_rx_descriptor_done_t   rx_descriptor_done; /**< Check rxd DD bit. */eth_rx_descriptor_status_t rx_descriptor_status;/**< Check the status of a Rx descriptor. */eth_tx_descriptor_status_t tx_descriptor_status;/**< Check the status of a Tx descriptor. */eth_rx_enable_intr_t       rx_queue_intr_enable;  /**< Enable Rx queue interrupt. */eth_rx_disable_intr_t      rx_queue_intr_disable; /**< Disable Rx queue interrupt. */eth_tx_queue_setup_t       tx_queue_setup;/**< Set up device TX queue. */eth_queue_release_t        tx_queue_release; /**< Release TX queue. */eth_tx_done_cleanup_t      tx_done_cleanup;/**< Free tx ring mbufs */eth_dev_led_on_t           dev_led_on;    /**< Turn on LED. */eth_dev_led_off_t          dev_led_off;   /**< Turn off LED. */flow_ctrl_get_t            flow_ctrl_get; /**< Get flow control. */flow_ctrl_set_t            flow_ctrl_set; /**< Setup flow control. */priority_flow_ctrl_set_t   priority_flow_ctrl_set; /**< Setup priority flow control. */eth_uc_hash_table_set_t    uc_hash_table_set; /**< Set Unicast Table Array. */eth_uc_all_hash_table_set_t uc_all_hash_table_set; /**< Set Unicast hash bitmap. */eth_mirror_rule_set_t	   mirror_rule_set; /**< Add a traffic mirror rule. */eth_mirror_rule_reset_t	   mirror_rule_reset; /**< reset a traffic mirror rule. */eth_udp_tunnel_port_add_t  udp_tunnel_port_add; /** Add UDP tunnel port. */eth_udp_tunnel_port_del_t  udp_tunnel_port_del; /** Del UDP tunnel port. */eth_l2_tunnel_eth_type_conf_t l2_tunnel_eth_type_conf;/** Config ether type of l2 tunnel. */eth_l2_tunnel_offload_set_t   l2_tunnel_offload_set;/** Enable/disable l2 tunnel offload functions. */eth_set_queue_rate_limit_t set_queue_rate_limit; /**< Set queue rate limit. */rss_hash_update_t          rss_hash_update; /** Configure RSS hash protocols. */rss_hash_conf_get_t        rss_hash_conf_get; /** Get current RSS hash configuration. */reta_update_t              reta_update;   /** Update redirection table. */reta_query_t               reta_query;    /** Query redirection table. */eth_get_reg_t              get_reg;           /**< Get registers. */eth_get_eeprom_length_t    get_eeprom_length; /**< Get eeprom length. */eth_get_eeprom_t           get_eeprom;        /**< Get eeprom data. */eth_set_eeprom_t           set_eeprom;        /**< Set eeprom. */eth_get_module_info_t      get_module_info;/** Get plugin module eeprom attribute. */eth_get_module_eeprom_t    get_module_eeprom;/** Get plugin module eeprom data. */eth_filter_ctrl_t          filter_ctrl; /**< common filter control. */eth_get_dcb_info           get_dcb_info; /** Get DCB information. */eth_timesync_enable_t      timesync_enable;/** Turn IEEE1588/802.1AS timestamping on. */eth_timesync_disable_t     timesync_disable;/** Turn IEEE1588/802.1AS timestamping off. */eth_timesync_read_rx_timestamp_t timesync_read_rx_timestamp;/** Read the IEEE1588/802.1AS RX timestamp. */eth_timesync_read_tx_timestamp_t timesync_read_tx_timestamp;/** Read the IEEE1588/802.1AS TX timestamp. */eth_timesync_adjust_time   timesync_adjust_time; /** Adjust the device clock. */eth_timesync_read_time     timesync_read_time; /** Get the device clock time. */eth_timesync_write_time    timesync_write_time; /** Set the device clock time. */eth_read_clock             read_clock;eth_xstats_get_by_id_t     xstats_get_by_id;/**< Get extended device statistic values by ID. */eth_xstats_get_names_by_id_t xstats_get_names_by_id;/**< Get name of extended device statistics by ID. */eth_tm_ops_get_t tm_ops_get;/**< Get Traffic Management (TM) operations. */eth_mtr_ops_get_t mtr_ops_get;/**< Get Traffic Metering and Policing (MTR) operations. */eth_pool_ops_supported_t pool_ops_supported;/**< Test if a port supports specific mempool ops */eth_hairpin_cap_get_t hairpin_cap_get;/**< Returns the hairpin capabilities. */eth_rx_hairpin_queue_setup_t rx_hairpin_queue_setup;/**< Set up device RX hairpin queue. */eth_tx_hairpin_queue_setup_t tx_hairpin_queue_setup;/**< Set up device TX hairpin queue. */
/*** @internal* The data part, with no function pointers, associated with each ethernet device.** This structure is safe to place in shared memory to be common among different* processes in a multi-process configuration.*/
struct rte_eth_dev_data {char name[RTE_ETH_NAME_MAX_LEN]; /**< Unique identifier name */void **rx_queues; /**< Array of pointers to RX queues. */void **tx_queues; /**< Array of pointers to TX queues. */uint16_t nb_rx_queues; /**< Number of RX queues. */uint16_t nb_tx_queues; /**< Number of TX queues. */struct rte_eth_dev_sriov sriov;    /**< SRIOV data */void *dev_private;/**< PMD-specific private data.*   @see rte_eth_dev_release_port()*/struct rte_eth_link dev_link;   /**< Link-level information & status. */struct rte_eth_conf dev_conf;   /**< Configuration applied to device. */uint16_t mtu;                   /**< Maximum Transmission Unit. */uint32_t min_rx_buf_size;/**< Common RX buffer size handled by all queues. */uint64_t rx_mbuf_alloc_failed; /**< RX ring mbuf allocation failures. */struct rte_ether_addr *mac_addrs;/**< Device Ethernet link address.*   @see rte_eth_dev_release_port()*/uint64_t mac_pool_sel[ETH_NUM_RECEIVE_MAC_ADDR];/**< Bitmap associating MAC addresses to pools. */struct rte_ether_addr *hash_mac_addrs;/**< Device Ethernet MAC addresses of hash filtering.*   @see rte_eth_dev_release_port()*/uint16_t port_id;           /**< Device [external] port identifier. */__extension__uint8_t promiscuous   : 1, /**< RX promiscuous mode ON(1) / OFF(0). */scattered_rx : 1,  /**< RX of scattered packets is ON(1) / OFF(0) */all_multicast : 1, /**< RX all multicast mode ON(1) / OFF(0). */dev_started : 1,   /**< Device state: STARTED(1) / STOPPED(0). */lro         : 1;   /**< RX LRO is ON(1) / OFF(0) */uint8_t rx_queue_state[RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT];/**< Queues state: HAIRPIN(2) / STARTED(1) / STOPPED(0). */uint8_t tx_queue_state[RTE_MAX_QUEUES_PER_PORT];/**< Queues state: HAIRPIN(2) / STARTED(1) / STOPPED(0). */uint32_t dev_flags;             /**< Capabilities. */enum rte_kernel_driver kdrv;    /**< Kernel driver passthrough. */int numa_node;                  /**< NUMA node connection. */struct rte_vlan_filter_conf vlan_filter_conf;/**< VLAN filter configuration. */struct rte_eth_dev_owner owner; /**< The port owner. */uint16_t representor_id;/**< Switch-specific identifier.*   Valid if RTE_ETH_DEV_REPRESENTOR in dev_flags.*/uint64_t reserved_64s[4]; /**< Reserved for future fields */void *reserved_ptrs[4];   /**< Reserved for future fields * /




/** This function is based on probe() function in virtio_pci.c* It returns 0 on success.*/
eth_virtio_dev_init(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev)
{struct virtio_hw *hw = eth_dev->data->dev_private;int ret;if (sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf) > RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM) {PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR,"Not sufficient headroom required = %d, avail = %d",(int)sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf),RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM);return -1;}eth_dev->dev_ops = &virtio_eth_dev_ops;if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_SECONDARY) {if (!hw->virtio_user_dev) {ret = virtio_remap_pci(RTE_ETH_DEV_TO_PCI(eth_dev), hw);if (ret)return ret;}virtio_set_vtpci_ops(hw);set_rxtx_funcs(eth_dev);return 0;}/** Pass the information to the rte_eth_dev_close() that it should also* release the private port resources.*/eth_dev->data->dev_flags |= RTE_ETH_DEV_CLOSE_REMOVE;/* Allocate memory for storing MAC addresses */eth_dev->data->mac_addrs = rte_zmalloc("virtio",VIRTIO_MAX_MAC_ADDRS * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN, 0);if (eth_dev->data->mac_addrs == NULL) {PMD_INIT_LOG(ERR,"Failed to allocate %d bytes needed to store MAC addresses",VIRTIO_MAX_MAC_ADDRS * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN);return -ENOMEM;}hw->port_id = eth_dev->data->port_id;/* For virtio_user case the hw->virtio_user_dev is populated by* virtio_user_eth_dev_alloc() before eth_virtio_dev_init() is called.*/if (!hw->virtio_user_dev) {ret = vtpci_init(RTE_ETH_DEV_TO_PCI(eth_dev), hw);if (ret)goto err_vtpci_init;}rte_spinlock_init(&hw->state_lock);/* reset device and negotiate default features * /ret = virtio_init_device(eth_dev, VIRTIO_PMD_DEFAULT_GUEST_FEATURES);if (ret < 0)goto err_virtio_init;hw->opened = true;return 0;err_virtio_init:if (!hw->virtio_user_dev) {rte_pci_unmap_device(RTE_ETH_DEV_TO_PCI(eth_dev));if (!hw->modern)rte_pci_ioport_unmap(VTPCI_IO(hw));}
err_vtpci_init:rte_free(eth_dev->data->mac_addrs);eth_dev->data->mac_addrs = NULL;return ret;


/* set rx and tx handlers according to what is supported */
static void
set_rxtx_funcs(struct rte_eth_dev * eth_dev)
{struct virtio_hw * hw = eth_dev->data->dev_private;eth_dev->tx_pkt_prepare = virtio_xmit_pkts_prepare;if (vtpci_packed_queue(hw)) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,"virtio: using packed ring %s Tx path on port %u",hw->use_inorder_tx ? "inorder" : "standard",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->tx_pkt_burst = virtio_xmit_pkts_packed;} else {if (hw->use_inorder_tx) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "virtio: using inorder Tx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->tx_pkt_burst = virtio_xmit_pkts_inorder;} else {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "virtio: using standard Tx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->tx_pkt_burst = virtio_xmit_pkts;}}if (vtpci_packed_queue(hw)) {if (vtpci_with_feature(hw, VIRTIO_NET_F_MRG_RXBUF)) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,"virtio: using packed ring mergeable buffer Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst =&virtio_recv_mergeable_pkts_packed;} else {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,"virtio: using packed ring standard Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst = &virtio_recv_pkts_packed;}} else {if (hw->use_simple_rx) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "virtio: using simple Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst = virtio_recv_pkts_vec;} else if (hw->use_inorder_rx) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,"virtio: using inorder Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst =	&virtio_recv_pkts_inorder;} else if (vtpci_with_feature(hw, VIRTIO_NET_F_MRG_RXBUF)) {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,"virtio: using mergeable buffer Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst = &virtio_recv_mergeable_pkts;} else {PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "virtio: using standard Rx path on port %u",eth_dev->data->port_id);eth_dev->rx_pkt_burst = &virtio_recv_pkts;}}}



#define DESC_PER_CACHELINE (RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(struct vring_desc))
virtio_recv_pkts(void * rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf ** rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts)
{struct virtnet_rx * rxvq = rx_queue;struct virtqueue * vq = rxvq->vq;struct virtio_hw * hw = vq->hw;struct rte_mbuf * rxm;uint16_t nb_used, num, nb_rx;uint32_t len[VIRTIO_MBUF_BURST_SZ];struct rte_mbuf * rcv_pkts[VIRTIO_MBUF_BURST_SZ];int error;uint32_t i, nb_enqueued;uint32_t hdr_size;struct virtio_net_hdr * hdr;nb_rx = 0;if (unlikely(hw->started == 0))return nb_rx;nb_used = VIRTQUEUE_NUSED(vq);virtio_rmb(hw->weak_barriers);num = likely(nb_used <= nb_pkts) ? nb_used : nb_pkts;if (unlikely(num > VIRTIO_MBUF_BURST_SZ))num = VIRTIO_MBUF_BURST_SZ;if (likely(num > DESC_PER_CACHELINE))num = num - ((vq->vq_used_cons_idx + num) % DESC_PER_CACHELINE);num = virtqueue_dequeue_burst_rx(vq, rcv_pkts, len, num);PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "used:%d dequeue:%d", nb_used, num);nb_enqueued = 0;hdr_size = hw->vtnet_hdr_size;for (i = 0; i < num ; i++) {rxm = rcv_pkts[i];PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "packet len:%d", len[i]);if (unlikely(len[i] < hdr_size + RTE_ETHER_HDR_LEN)) {PMD_RX_LOG(ERR, "Packet drop");nb_enqueued++;virtio_discard_rxbuf(vq, rxm);rxvq->stats.errors++;continue;}rxm->port = rxvq->port_id;rxm->data_off = RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;rxm->ol_flags = 0;rxm->vlan_tci = 0;rxm->pkt_len = (uint32_t)(len[i] - hdr_size);rxm->data_len = (uint16_t)(len[i] - hdr_size);hdr = (struct virtio_net_hdr * )((char * )rxm->buf_addr +RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM - hdr_size);if (hw->vlan_strip)rte_vlan_strip(rxm);if (hw->has_rx_offload && virtio_rx_offload(rxm, hdr) < 0) {virtio_discard_rxbuf(vq, rxm);rxvq->stats.errors++;continue;}virtio_rx_stats_updated(rxvq, rxm);rx_pkts[nb_rx++] = rxm;}rxvq->stats.packets += nb_rx;/* Allocate new mbuf for the used descriptor * /if (likely(!virtqueue_full(vq))) {uint16_t free_cnt = vq->vq_free_cnt;struct rte_mbuf * new_pkts[free_cnt];if (likely(rte_pktmbuf_alloc_bulk(rxvq->mpool, new_pkts,free_cnt) == 0)) {error = virtqueue_enqueue_recv_refill(vq, new_pkts,free_cnt);if (unlikely(error)) {for (i = 0; i < free_cnt; i++)rte_pktmbuf_free(new_pkts[i]);}nb_enqueued += free_cnt;} else {struct rte_eth_dev * dev =&rte_eth_devices[rxvq->port_id];dev->data->rx_mbuf_alloc_failed += free_cnt;}}if (likely(nb_enqueued)) {vq_update_avail_idx(vq);if (unlikely(virtqueue_kick_prepare(vq))) {virtqueue_notify(vq);PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "Notified");}}return nb_rx;


virtio_xmit_pkts(void * tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf ** tx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts)
{struct virtnet_tx * txvq = tx_queue;struct virtqueue * vq = txvq->vq;struct virtio_hw * hw = vq->hw;uint16_t hdr_size = hw->vtnet_hdr_size;uint16_t nb_used, nb_tx = 0;if (unlikely(hw->started == 0 && tx_pkts != hw->inject_pkts))return nb_tx;if (unlikely(nb_pkts < 1))return nb_pkts;PMD_TX_LOG(DEBUG, "%d packets to xmit", nb_pkts);nb_used = VIRTQUEUE_NUSED(vq);virtio_rmb(hw->weak_barriers);if (likely(nb_used > vq->vq_nentries - vq->vq_free_thresh))virtio_xmit_cleanup(vq, nb_used);for (nb_tx = 0; nb_tx < nb_pkts; nb_tx++) {struct rte_mbuf * txm = tx_pkts[nb_tx];int can_push = 0, use_indirect = 0, slots, need;/* optimize ring usage */if ((vtpci_with_feature(hw, VIRTIO_F_ANY_LAYOUT) ||vtpci_with_feature(hw, VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1)) &&rte_mbuf_refcnt_read(txm) == 1 &&RTE_MBUF_DIRECT(txm) &&txm->nb_segs == 1 &&rte_pktmbuf_headroom(txm) >= hdr_size &&rte_is_aligned(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(txm, char *),__alignof__(struct virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf)))can_push = 1;else if (vtpci_with_feature(hw, VIRTIO_RING_F_INDIRECT_DESC) &&txm->nb_segs < VIRTIO_MAX_TX_INDIRECT)use_indirect = 1;/* How many main ring entries are needed to this Tx?* any_layout => number of segments* indirect   => 1* default    => number of segments + 1*/slots = use_indirect ? 1 : (txm->nb_segs + !can_push);need = slots - vq->vq_free_cnt;/* Positive value indicates it need free vring descriptors */if (unlikely(need > 0)) {nb_used = VIRTQUEUE_NUSED(vq);virtio_rmb(hw->weak_barriers);need = RTE_MIN(need, (int)nb_used);virtio_xmit_cleanup(vq, need);need = slots - vq->vq_free_cnt;if (unlikely(need > 0)) {PMD_TX_LOG(ERR,"No free tx descriptors to transmit");break;}}/* Enqueue Packet buffers * /virtqueue_enqueue_xmit(txvq, txm, slots, use_indirect,can_push, 0);virtio_update_packet_stats(&txvq->stats, txm);}txvq->stats.packets += nb_tx;if (likely(nb_tx)) {vq_update_avail_idx(vq);if (unlikely(virtqueue_kick_prepare(vq))) {virtqueue_notify(vq);PMD_TX_LOG(DEBUG, "Notified backend after xmit");}}return nb_tx;


static inline void
virtqueue_enqueue_xmit(struct virtnet_tx *txvq, struct rte_mbuf *cookie,uint16_t needed, int use_indirect, int can_push,int in_order)
{struct virtio_tx_region * txr = txvq->virtio_net_hdr_mz->addr;struct vq_desc_extra * dxp;struct virtqueue * vq = txvq->vq;struct vring_desc * start_dp;uint16_t seg_num = cookie->nb_segs;uint16_t head_idx, idx;int16_t head_size = vq->hw->vtnet_hdr_size;bool prepend_header = false;struct virtio_net_hdr * hdr;head_idx = vq->vq_desc_head_idx;idx = head_idx;if (in_order)dxp = &vq->vq_descx[vq->vq_avail_idx & (vq->vq_nentries - 1)];elsedxp = &vq->vq_descx[idx];dxp->cookie = (void * )cookie;dxp->ndescs = needed;start_dp = vq->vq_split.ring.desc;if (can_push) {/* prepend cannot fail, checked by caller */hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(cookie, struct virtio_net_hdr *,-head_size);prepend_header = true;/* if offload disabled, it is not zeroed below, do it now */if (!vq->hw->has_tx_offload)virtqueue_clear_net_hdr(hdr);} else if (use_indirect) {/* setup tx ring slot to point to indirect* descriptor list stored in reserved region.** the first slot in indirect ring is already preset* to point to the header in reserved region*/start_dp[idx].addr  = txvq->virtio_net_hdr_mem +RTE_PTR_DIFF(&txr[idx].tx_indir, txr);start_dp[idx].len   = (seg_num + 1) * sizeof(struct vring_desc);start_dp[idx].flags = VRING_DESC_F_INDIRECT;hdr = (struct virtio_net_hdr *)&txr[idx].tx_hdr;/* loop below will fill in rest of the indirect elements */start_dp = txr[idx].tx_indir;idx = 1;} else {/* setup first tx ring slot to point to header* stored in reserved region.* /start_dp[idx].addr  = txvq->virtio_net_hdr_mem +RTE_PTR_DIFF(&txr[idx].tx_hdr, txr);start_dp[idx].len   = vq->hw->vtnet_hdr_size;start_dp[idx].flags = VRING_DESC_F_NEXT;hdr = (struct virtio_net_hdr * )&txr[idx].tx_hdr;idx = start_dp[idx].next;}virtqueue_xmit_offload(hdr, cookie, vq->hw->has_tx_offload);do {start_dp[idx].addr  = VIRTIO_MBUF_DATA_DMA_ADDR(cookie, vq);start_dp[idx].len   = cookie->data_len;if (prepend_header) {start_dp[idx].addr -= head_size;start_dp[idx].len += head_size;prepend_header = false;}start_dp[idx].flags = cookie->next ? VRING_DESC_F_NEXT : 0;idx = start_dp[idx].next;} while ((cookie = cookie->next) != NULL);if (use_indirect)idx = vq->vq_split.ring.desc[head_idx].next;vq->vq_free_cnt = (uint16_t)(vq->vq_free_cnt - needed);vq->vq_desc_head_idx = idx;vq_update_avail_ring(vq, head_idx);if (!in_order) {if (vq->vq_desc_head_idx == VQ_RING_DESC_CHAIN_END)vq->vq_desc_tail_idx = idx;}


