> 文章列表 > 虚函数继承与虚函数表-汇编码分析



(Owed by: 春夜喜雨 http://blog.csdn.net/chunyexiyu)


1. 分析的代码

继承关系 child->parent->grandparent,关联代码实现:

class grandparent
public:grandparent() {printf("construct of grandparent\\n");}virtual ~grandparent() {printf("virtual destructor of grandparent\\n");}virtual void func1() = 0;virtual void func2() = 0;
};class parent : public grandparent
public:parent() {printf("construct of parent\\n");}virtual ~parent() {printf("virtual destructor of parent\\n");}virtual void func1() {printf("virtual parent.func1\\n");}virtual void func2() {printf("virtual parent.func2\\n");}
class child : public parent{
public:child() {printf("construct of child\\n");}virtual ~child() {printf("virtual destructor of child\\n");}virtual void func1() {printf("virtual child.func1\\n");}virtual void func2() {printf("virtual child.func2\\n");}


int main()
{parent* p = new child();p->func1();p->func2();//p->~parent();//p->~parent();//p->func1();//p->func2();delete p;return 0;

2. 三个类的共同特点


  1. 没有成员变量,对象上只会有一个vptr虚函数表指针,sizeof对象的话,大小等于一个指针的大小sizeof(void*);
  2. 析构函数为虚函数,这样就可以借由父指针来删除创建的子对象;
  3. vfptr的位置缺省在创建对象的首个内存位置,所以*this,就可以获取到vfptr的指针;
  4. 类代码翻译的最后部分,都有一个classname::vector deleting destructotr汇编代码段封装,封装了对该类的析构函数调用,还封装了基于参数确定是否调用delete this调用;
  5. 名词解释
    vfptr: virtual function pointer 虚函数表指针/虚函数指针
    vftable: virtual funciton table 虚函数表

3. grandparent类分析


  1. 可以看到两个纯虚函数func1, func2并未生成翻译源码;
  2. 可以看到构造函数中,先把grandparent::'vftable’地址加载到了rcx, 并放入到*this指向的vfptr内容上;
  3. 可以看到析构函数中,也做了一遍动作,先把grandparent::'vftable’地址放入到*this指向的vfptr内容上;
  4. 基于2/3可以看出,这个虚函数表地址是要在构造函数,析构函数中都要对vfptr属性重新赋值的。
  5. 最下面的grandparent::vector deleting destructotr封装了对析构函数的调用,还封装了基于参数确定是否调用delete this调用;
     7: class grandparent8: {9: public:10:   grandparent() {
00007FF7B28610C0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28610C5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28610C9 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28610CE 48 8D 0D 23 23 00 00 lea         rcx,[grandparent::`vftable' (07FF7B28633F8h)]  
00007FF7B28610D5 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  11:     printf("construct of grandparent\\n");
00007FF7B28610D8 48 8D 0D D9 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "construct of grandparent\\n" (07FF7B28632B8h)]  
00007FF7B28610DF E8 7C FF FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  12:   }
00007FF7B28610E4 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28610E9 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28610ED C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B28610EE CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28610EF CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------13:   virtual ~grandparent() {
00007FF7B28610F0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28610F5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28610F9 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28610FE 48 8D 0D F3 22 00 00 lea         rcx,[grandparent::`vftable' (07FF7B28633F8h)]  
00007FF7B2861105 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  14:     printf("virtual destructor of grandparent\\n");
00007FF7B2861108 48 8D 0D C9 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual destructor of grandpare@"... (07FF7B28632D8h)]  
00007FF7B286110F E8 4C FF FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  15:   }
00007FF7B2861114 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  15:   }
00007FF7B2861118 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B2861119 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111A CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286111F CC                   int         3  
grandparent::`vector deleting destructor':
00007FF7B2861120 89 54 24 10          mov         dword ptr [rsp+10h],edx  
00007FF7B2861124 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861129 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286112D 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861132 E8 B9 FF FF FF       call        grandparent::~grandparent (07FF7B28610F0h)  
00007FF7B2861137 8B 44 24 38          mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+38h]  
00007FF7B286113B 83 E0 01             and         eax,1  
00007FF7B286113E 85 C0                test        eax,eax  
00007FF7B2861140 74 0F                je          grandparent::`scalar deleting destructor'+31h (07FF7B2861151h)  
00007FF7B2861142 BA 08 00 00 00       mov         edx,8  
00007FF7B2861147 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B286114C E8 47 03 00 00       call        operator delete (07FF7B2861498h)  
00007FF7B2861151 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861156 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286115A C3                   ret  
00007FF7B286115B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286115C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286115D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286115E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286115F CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------16:   virtual void func1() = 0;17:   virtual void func2() = 0;18: };

4. parent类分析


  1. 可以看到构造函数中先调用grandparent::grandparant构造函数;然后把parent::'vftable’地址加载到了vfptr上;
  2. 可以看到析构函数中,先把parent::'vftable’地址放入到*this指向的vfptr内容上;然后再往下执行;
  3. 基于1、2可以看出,这个虚函数表地址vfptr是要在构造函数,析构函数中都要重新赋值parent::'vftable’的,以调用自身实现的方法。
  4. 基于1、2还可以看出,构造函数是,先调父类构造(vfptr->父类vftable),再调自身构造(vfptr->自身vftable);
  5. func1,func2的虚函数实现有编译出来;编译出的内容里面是没有vfptr的处理。
  6. 基于上面的推到可以看出,如果在parent的构造函数,析构函数中调用func1/func2的话,可以调用到parent中自身的实现;
  7. 基于4可以推导一个奇特的问题,如果手动调用了析构的话,vfptr最终指向的是顶层类的vftable:
    虚函数调用时,就只在最顶层的找定义了,如果没定义,会崩溃;例如代码 ~parent析构后,vfptr指向grandparent::vftable.


class parent : public grandparent21: {22: public:23:   parent() {
00007FF7B2861160 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861165 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861169 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B286116E E8 4D FF FF FF       call        grandparent::grandparent (07FF7B28610C0h)  
00007FF7B2861173 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861178 48 8D 0D 59 22 00 00 lea         rcx,[parent::`vftable' (07FF7B28633D8h)]  
00007FF7B286117F 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  24:     printf("construct of parent\\n");
00007FF7B2861182 48 8D 0D 77 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "construct of parent\\n" (07FF7B2863300h)]  
00007FF7B2861189 E8 D2 FE FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  25:   }
00007FF7B286118E 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861193 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861197 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B2861198 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B2861199 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119A CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286119F CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------26:   virtual ~parent() {
00007FF7B28611A0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28611A5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28611A9 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28611AE 48 8D 0D 23 22 00 00 lea         rcx,[parent::`vftable' (07FF7B28633D8h)]  
00007FF7B28611B5 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  27:     printf("virtual destructor of parent\\n");
00007FF7B28611B8 48 8D 0D 59 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual destructor of parent\\n" (07FF7B2863318h)]  
00007FF7B28611BF E8 9C FE FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  28:   }
00007FF7B28611C4 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28611C9 E8 22 FF FF FF       call        grandparent::~grandparent (07FF7B28610F0h)  
00007FF7B28611CE 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28611D2 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B28611D3 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D4 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D5 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D6 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D7 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D8 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611D9 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DA CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DB CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DC CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DD CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DE CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611DF CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------29:   virtual void func1() {
00007FF7B28611E0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28611E5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  30:     printf("virtual parent.func1\\n");
00007FF7B28611E9 48 8D 0D 48 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual parent.func1\\n" (07FF7B2863338h)]  
00007FF7B28611F0 E8 6B FE FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  31:   }
00007FF7B28611F5 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28611F9 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B28611FA CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611FB CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611FC CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611FD CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611FE CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28611FF CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------32:   virtual void func2() {
00007FF7B2861200 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861205 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  33:     printf("virtual parent.func2\\n");
00007FF7B2861209 48 8D 0D 40 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual parent.func2\\n" (07FF7B2863350h)]  
00007FF7B2861210 E8 4B FE FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  34:   }
00007FF7B2861215 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861219 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B286121A CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286121B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286121C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286121D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286121E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286121F CC                   int         3  
parent::`vector deleting destructor':
00007FF7B2861220 89 54 24 10          mov         dword ptr [rsp+10h],edx  
00007FF7B2861224 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861229 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286122D 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861232 E8 69 FF FF FF       call        parent::~parent (07FF7B28611A0h)  
00007FF7B2861237 8B 44 24 38          mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+38h]  
00007FF7B286123B 83 E0 01             and         eax,1  
00007FF7B286123E 85 C0                test        eax,eax  
00007FF7B2861240 74 0F                je          parent::`scalar deleting destructor'+31h (07FF7B2861251h)  
00007FF7B2861242 BA 08 00 00 00       mov         edx,8  
00007FF7B2861247 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B286124C E8 47 02 00 00       call        operator delete (07FF7B2861498h)  
00007FF7B2861251 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861256 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286125A C3                   ret  
00007FF7B286125B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286125C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286125D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286125E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286125F CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------35: };

5. child类分析


  1. 可以看到构造函数中先调用parent::parant构造函数;然后把child::'vftable’地址加载到了vfptr上;
  2. 可以看到析构函数中,先把child::'vftable’地址放入到*this指向的vfptr内容上;然后再往下执行;
  3. 基于1、2可以看出,构造函数是,先调父类构造(vfptr->父类vftable),再调自身构造(vfptr->自身vftable);
  4. 基于上面的推到可以看出,如果在child的构造函数,析构函数中调用func1/func2的话,可以调用到child中自身的实现;如果在其它函数中,vfptr指向不变时,不会有这个效果;
  5. 基于3同样可以推导parent中的问题,如果手动调用了析构的话,vfptr最终指向的是最顶层类的vftable,因为析构是自低向上,析构中都会先修改vfptr到自身vftable。
38: class child : public parent{39: public:40:   child() {
00007FF7B2861260 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861265 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861269 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B286126E E8 ED FE FF FF       call        parent::parent (07FF7B2861160h)  
00007FF7B2861273 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861278 48 8D 0D 99 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[child::`vftable' (07FF7B2863418h)]  
00007FF7B286127F 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  41:     printf("construct of child\\n");
00007FF7B2861282 48 8D 0D DF 20 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "construct of child\\n" (07FF7B2863368h)]  
00007FF7B2861289 E8 D2 FD FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  42:   }
00007FF7B286128E 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  42:   }
00007FF7B2861293 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861297 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B2861298 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B2861299 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129A CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286129F CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------43:   virtual ~child() {
00007FF7B28612A0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28612A5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28612A9 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28612AE 48 8D 0D 63 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[child::`vftable' (07FF7B2863418h)]  
00007FF7B28612B5 48 89 08             mov         qword ptr [rax],rcx  44:     printf("virtual destructor of child\\n");
00007FF7B28612B8 48 8D 0D C1 20 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual destructor of child\\n" (07FF7B2863380h)]  
00007FF7B28612BF E8 9C FD FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  45:   }
00007FF7B28612C4 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B28612C9 E8 D2 FE FF FF       call        parent::~parent (07FF7B28611A0h)  
00007FF7B28612CE 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28612D2 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B28612D3 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D4 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D5 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D6 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D7 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D8 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612D9 CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DA CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DB CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DC CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DD CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DE CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612DF CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------46:   virtual void func1() {
00007FF7B28612E0 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B28612E5 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  47:     printf("virtual child.func1\\n");
00007FF7B28612E9 48 8D 0D B0 20 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual child.func1\\n" (07FF7B28633A0h)]  
00007FF7B28612F0 E8 6B FD FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  48:   }
00007FF7B28612F5 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B28612F9 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B28612FA CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612FB CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612FC CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612FD CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612FE CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B28612FF CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------49:   virtual void func2() {
00007FF7B2861300 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861305 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  50:     printf("virtual child.func2\\n");
00007FF7B2861309 48 8D 0D A8 20 00 00 lea         rcx,[string "virtual child.func2\\n" (07FF7B28633B8h)]  
00007FF7B2861310 E8 4B FD FF FF       call        printf (07FF7B2861060h)  51:   }
00007FF7B2861315 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B2861319 C3                   ret  
--- 无源文件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00007FF7B286131A CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286131B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286131C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286131D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286131E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286131F CC                   int         3  
child::`vector deleting destructor':
00007FF7B2861320 89 54 24 10          mov         dword ptr [rsp+10h],edx  
00007FF7B2861324 48 89 4C 24 08       mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx  
00007FF7B2861329 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286132D 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861332 E8 69 FF FF FF       call        child::~child (07FF7B28612A0h)  
00007FF7B2861337 8B 44 24 38          mov         eax,dword ptr [rsp+38h]  
00007FF7B286133B 83 E0 01             and         eax,1  
00007FF7B286133E 85 C0                test        eax,eax  
00007FF7B2861340 74 0F                je          child::`scalar deleting destructor'+31h (07FF7B2861351h)  
00007FF7B2861342 BA 08 00 00 00       mov         edx,8  
00007FF7B2861347 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B286134C E8 47 01 00 00       call        operator delete (07FF7B2861498h)  
00007FF7B2861351 48 8B 44 24 30       mov         rax,qword ptr [this]  
00007FF7B2861356 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF7B286135A C3                   ret  
00007FF7B286135B CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286135C CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286135D CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286135E CC                   int         3  
00007FF7B286135F CC                   int         3  
--- e:\\project\\demo1-0-asm-test\\demo1\\demo1.cpp --------------------------------52: };

6. main函数分析


  1. main函数中调用的vfptr情况:
    00007FF6296613BF FF 50 08 call qword ptr [rax+8]
    00007FF6296613CF FF 50 10 call qword ptr [rax+10h]
    00007FF6296613E1 FF 10 call qword ptr [rax]
  2. 基于以上的综合分析也可以看出,虚函数表中的方法,对于上层下层,同一虚函数名,对应的vfptr偏移位置应该是一致对应的;
    例如parent的方法func1, func2,分别是[vfptr+8, vfptr+16]位置;
    那么就必然要求child的继承方法func1, func2,分别是[vfptr+8, vfptr+16]位置;
  3. 也就是说,上层的方法的虚函数位置占前面的位置;如果子类新加虚函数方法,需要放在之后的位置,以和上层做好对应;
  4. 简而言之,下层方法首先复制上层的虚函数vftable表,并在那个基础上,对继承的虚函数自身有实现的,修改指向自身实现;
53: int main()54: {
00007FF629661360 48 83 EC 68          sub         rsp,68h  
00007FF629661364 48 C7 44 24 58 FE FF FF FF mov         qword ptr [rsp+58h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh  55:   parent* p = new child();
00007FF62966136D B9 08 00 00 00       mov         ecx,8  
00007FF629661372 E8 B5 00 00 00       call        operator new (07FF62966142Ch)  
00007FF629661377 48 89 44 24 30       mov         qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax  
00007FF62966137C 48 83 7C 24 30 00    cmp         qword ptr [rsp+30h],0  
00007FF629661382 74 11                je          main+35h (07FF629661395h)  
00007FF629661384 48 8B 4C 24 30       mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+30h]  
00007FF629661389 E8 D2 FE FF FF       call        child::child (07FF629661260h)  
00007FF62966138E 48 89 44 24 38       mov         qword ptr [rsp+38h],rax  
00007FF629661393 EB 09                jmp         main+3Eh (07FF62966139Eh)  
00007FF629661395 48 C7 44 24 38 00 00 00 00 mov         qword ptr [rsp+38h],0  
00007FF62966139E 48 8B 44 24 38       mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+38h]  
00007FF6296613A3 48 89 44 24 40       mov         qword ptr [rsp+40h],rax  
00007FF6296613A8 48 8B 44 24 40       mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
00007FF6296613AD 48 89 44 24 20       mov         qword ptr [p],rax  56:   p->func1();
00007FF6296613B2 48 8B 44 24 20       mov         rax,qword ptr [p]  56:   p->func1();
00007FF6296613B7 48 8B 00             mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6296613BA 48 8B 4C 24 20       mov         rcx,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613BF FF 50 08             call        qword ptr [rax+8]  57:   p->func2();
00007FF6296613C2 48 8B 44 24 20       mov         rax,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613C7 48 8B 00             mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6296613CA 48 8B 4C 24 20       mov         rcx,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613CF FF 50 10             call        qword ptr [rax+10h]  58:   p->~parent();
00007FF6296613D2 48 8B 44 24 20       mov         rax,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613D7 48 8B 00             mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6296613DA 33 D2                xor         edx,edx  
00007FF6296613DC 48 8B 4C 24 20       mov         rcx,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613E1 FF 10                call        qword ptr [rax]  59:   //p->~parent();60:   //p->func1();61:   //p->func2();62:   delete p;
00007FF6296613E3 48 8B 44 24 20       mov         rax,qword ptr [p]  
00007FF6296613E8 48 89 44 24 48       mov         qword ptr [rsp+48h],rax  
00007FF6296613ED 48 8B 44 24 48       mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+48h]  
00007FF6296613F2 48 89 44 24 28       mov         qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax  
00007FF6296613F7 48 83 7C 24 28 00    cmp         qword ptr [rsp+28h],0  
00007FF6296613FD 74 1B                je          main+0BAh (07FF62966141Ah)  
00007FF6296613FF 48 8B 44 24 28       mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+28h]  
00007FF629661404 48 8B 00             mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
00007FF629661407 BA 01 00 00 00       mov         edx,1  
00007FF62966140C 48 8B 4C 24 28       mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+28h]  
00007FF629661411 FF 10                call        qword ptr [rax]  
00007FF629661413 48 89 44 24 50       mov         qword ptr [rsp+50h],rax  
00007FF629661418 EB 09                jmp         main+0C3h (07FF629661423h)  
00007FF62966141A 48 C7 44 24 50 00 00 00 00 mov         qword ptr [rsp+50h],0  63: 64: 	return 0;
00007FF629661423 33 C0                xor         eax,eax  65: }
00007FF629661425 48 83 C4 68          add         rsp,68h  
00007FF629661429 C3                   ret  
00007FF62966142A CC                   int         3  
00007FF62966142B CC                   int         3 

7. vftable分析


  1. 从grandparent::vftable中可以看出,对于纯虚函数,虽然未生成代码,单在vftabel中的位置已经进行了固定,这样方便后续继承类中对应进行函数覆盖;
  2. vftable虚函数表,除了放置定义的虚函数外,会最后会留一个函数指针位,放置一个异常地址,调用到这个位置的时候会报出异常;
  3. 从func1/func2的虚函数指针位置可以看出,vftable中继承类中的继承虚函数在vftable偏移地址都是一致的。
00007FF77E6010FE 48 8D 0D F3 22 00 00 lea         rcx,[grandparent::`vftable' (07FF77E6033F8h)]  
0x00007FF77E6033F8  20 11 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  .`~?...  指向 grandparent::`vector deleting destructor':
0x00007FF77E603400  86 20 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ? `~?...  指向00007FF77E602086 FF 25 04 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__purecall (07FF77E603090h)]  
0x00007FF77E603408  86 20 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ? `~?...  指向00007FF77E602086 FF 25 04 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__purecall (07FF77E603090h)]  
0x00007FF77E603410  20 38 60 7e f7 7f 00 00   8`~?...  指向 存储一个异常值 0x00007FF77E603820  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000007FF77E601178 48 8D 0D 59 22 00 00 lea         rcx,[parent::`vftable' (07FF77E6033D8h)] 
0x00007FF77E6033D8  20 12 60 7e f7 7f 00 00   .`~?...  指向 parent::`vector deleting destructor'
0x00007FF77E6033E0  e0 11 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ?.`~?...  指向 virtual void parent::func1
0x00007FF77E6033E8  00 12 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ..`~?...  指向 virtual void parent::func2
0x00007FF77E6033F0  48 38 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  H8`~?...  指向 存储一个异常值 0x00007FF77E603848  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000007FF77E601278 48 8D 0D 99 21 00 00 lea         rcx,[child::`vftable' (07FF77E603418h)]  
0x00007FF77E603418  20 13 60 7e f7 7f 00 00   .`~?...  指向 child::`vector deleting destructor'
0x00007FF77E603420  e0 12 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ?.`~?...  指向 virtual void child::func1
0x00007FF77E603428  00 13 60 7e f7 7f 00 00  ..`~?...  指向 virtual void child::func2
0x00007FF77E603430  22 05 93 19 01 00 00 00  ".?.....  指向一个非法内存地址 0x0000000119930522  ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 


00007FF77E602080 FF 25 1A 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___CxxFrameHandler3 (07FF77E6030A0h)]  
00007FF77E602086 FF 25 04 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__purecall (07FF77E603090h)]  
00007FF77E60208C FF 25 F6 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___C_specific_handler (07FF77E603088h)]  
00007FF77E602092 FF 25 E8 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___std_exception_copy (07FF77E603080h)]  
00007FF77E602098 FF 25 DA 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___std_exception_destroy (07FF77E603078h)]  
00007FF77E60209E FF 25 CC 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__CxxThrowException (07FF77E603070h)]  
00007FF77E6020A4 FF 25 EE 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_memset (07FF77E603098h)]  
00007FF77E6020AA FF 25 00 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__callnewh (07FF77E6030B0h)]  
00007FF77E6020B0 FF 25 02 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_malloc (07FF77E6030B8h)]  
00007FF77E6020B6 FF 25 C4 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__seh_filter_exe (07FF77E603180h)]  
00007FF77E6020BC FF 25 B6 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__set_app_type (07FF77E603178h)]  
00007FF77E6020C2 FF 25 20 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___setusermatherr (07FF77E6030E8h)]  
00007FF77E6020C8 FF 25 9A 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__configure_narrow_argv (07FF77E603168h)]  
00007FF77E6020CE FF 25 8C 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__initialize_narrow_environment (07FF77E603160h)]  
00007FF77E6020D4 FF 25 7E 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__get_initial_narrow_environment (07FF77E603158h)]  
00007FF77E6020DA FF 25 70 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__initterm (07FF77E603150h)]  
00007FF77E6020E0 FF 25 62 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__initterm_e (07FF77E603148h)]  
00007FF77E6020E6 FF 25 54 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_exit (07FF77E603140h)]  
00007FF77E6020EC FF 25 7E 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__exit (07FF77E603170h)]  
00007FF77E6020F2 FF 25 B0 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__set_fmode (07FF77E6031A8h)]  
00007FF77E6020F8 FF 25 0A 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___p___argc (07FF77E603108h)]  
00007FF77E6020FE FF 25 14 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___p___argv (07FF77E603118h)]  
00007FF77E602104 FF 25 1E 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__cexit (07FF77E603128h)]  
00007FF77E60210A FF 25 10 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__c_exit (07FF77E603120h)]  
00007FF77E602110 FF 25 1A 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback (07FF77E603130h)]  
00007FF77E602116 FF 25 BC 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__configthreadlocale (07FF77E6030D8h)]  
00007FF77E60211C FF 25 9E 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__set_new_mode (07FF77E6030C0h)]  
00007FF77E602122 FF 25 78 10 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp___p__commode (07FF77E6031A0h)]  
00007FF77E602128 FF 25 9A 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_free (07FF77E6030C8h)]  
00007FF77E60212E FF 25 C4 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__initialize_onexit_table (07FF77E6030F8h)]  
00007FF77E602134 FF 25 C6 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__register_onexit_function (07FF77E603100h)]  
00007FF77E60213A FF 25 F8 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp__crt_atexit (07FF77E603138h)]  
00007FF77E602140 FF 25 CA 0F 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_terminate (07FF77E603110h)]  
00007FF77E602146 FF 25 FC 0E 00 00    jmp         qword ptr [__imp_IsProcessorFeaturePresent (07FF77E603048h)]  

(Owed by: 春夜喜雨 http://blog.csdn.net/chunyexiyu)