> 文章列表 > tpm2-tools源码分析之tpm2_create.c(2)






static bool tpm2_tool_onstart(tpm2_options **opts) {static struct option topts[] = {{ "parent-auth",    required_argument, NULL, 'P' },{ "key-auth",       required_argument, NULL, 'p' },{ "hash-algorithm", required_argument, NULL, 'g' },{ "key-algorithm",  required_argument, NULL, 'G' },{ "attributes",     required_argument, NULL, 'a' },{ "sealing-input",  required_argument, NULL, 'i' },{ "policy",         required_argument, NULL, 'L' },{ "public",         required_argument, NULL, 'u' },{ "private",        required_argument, NULL, 'r' },{ "parent-context", required_argument, NULL, 'C' },{ "key-context",    required_argument, NULL, 'c' },{ "creation-data",  required_argument, NULL,  0  },{ "template-data",  required_argument, NULL,  1  },{ "creation-ticket",required_argument, NULL, 't' },{ "creation-hash",  required_argument, NULL, 'd' },{ "outside-info",   required_argument, NULL, 'q' },{ "pcr-list",       required_argument, NULL, 'l' },{ "cphash",         required_argument, NULL,  2  },{ "rphash",         required_argument, NULL,  3  },{ "session",        required_argument, NULL, 'S' },{ "format",         required_argument, NULL, 'f' },{ "output",         required_argument, NULL, 'o' },};*opts = tpm2_options_new("P:p:g:G:a:i:L:u:r:C:c:t:d:q:l:S:o:f:",ARRAY_LEN(topts), topts, on_option, NULL, 0);return *opts != NULL;


struct tpm2_options {struct {tpm2_option_handler on_opt;tpm2_arg_handler on_arg;} callbacks;char *short_opts;size_t len;uint32_t flags;struct option long_opts[];
};typedef struct tpm2_options tpm2_options;

struct option的定义在/usr/include/bits/getopt_ext.h中,代码如下:

struct option
{const char *name;/* has_arg can't be an enum because some compilers complain abouttype mismatches in all the code that assumes it is an int.  */int has_arg;int *flag;int val;


static bool on_option(char key, char *value) {switch (key) {case 'P':ctx.parent.auth_str = value;break;case 'p':ctx.object.auth_str = value;break;case 'g':ctx.object.name_alg = value;break;case 'G':ctx.object.alg = value;ctx.object.is_object_alg_specified = true;break;case 'a':ctx.object.attrs = value;break;case 'i':ctx.object.sealed_data = strcmp("-", value) ? value : NULL;ctx.object.alg = "keyedhash";ctx.object.is_sealing_input_specified = true;bool res = load_sensitive();if (!res) {return false;}break;case 'L':ctx.object.policy = value;break;case 'u':ctx.object.public_path = value;break;case 'r':ctx.object.private_path = value;break;case 'C':ctx.parent.ctx_path = value;break;case 'c':ctx.object.ctx_path = value;break;case 0:ctx.object.creation_data_file = value;break;case 1:ctx.object.template_data_path = value;break;case 't':ctx.object.creation_ticket_file = value;break;case 'd':ctx.object.creation_hash_file = value;break;case 'q':ctx.object.outside_info_data = value;break;case 'l':if (!pcr_parse_selections(value, &ctx.object.creation_pcr)) {LOG_ERR("Could not parse pcr selections, got: \\"%s\\"", value);return false;}break;case 2:ctx.cp_hash_path = value;break;case 3:ctx.rp_hash_path = value;break;case 'S':ctx.aux_session_path[ctx.aux_session_cnt] = value;if (ctx.aux_session_cnt < MAX_AUX_SESSIONS) {ctx.aux_session_cnt++;} else {LOG_ERR("Specify a max of 3 sessions");return false;}break;case 'f':ctx.format = tpm2_convert_pubkey_fmt_from_optarg(value);if (ctx.format == pubkey_format_err) {return false;}ctx.format_set = true;break;case 'o':ctx.output_path = value;break;/* no default */};return true;


tpm2-tools/tpm2_create.1.md at master · tpm2-software/tpm2-tools · GitHub




These options for creating the TPM entity:

  • -C--parent-context=OBJECT:

    The parent of the object to be created. —— 要创建的对象的父级。

  • -P--parent-auth=AUTH:

    The authorization value of the parent object specified with -C. —— 使用-C指定的父对象的授权值。

  • -p--key-auth=AUTH:

    The authorization value for the created object. —— 创建对象的授权值。

  • -g--hash-algorithm=ALGORITHM:

    The hash algorithm for generating the objects name. This is optional and defaults to sha256 when not specified. —— 用于生成对象名称的哈希算法。这是可选的,未指定时默认为sha256。

  • -G--key-algorithm=ALGORITHM:

    The key algorithm associated with this object. It defaults to "rsa" if not specified. —— 与此对象关联的密钥算法。如果未指定,则默认为“rsa”。

  • -a--attributes=ATTRIBUTES:

    The object attributes, optional. The default for created objects is: —— 对象属性,可选。默认为:


    When -i is specified for sealing, TPMA_OBJECT_SIGN_ENCRYPT and TPMA_OBJECT_DECRYPT are removed from the default attribute set. The algorithm is set in a way where the the object is only good for sealing and unsealing. I.e. one cannot use an object for sealing and cryptography operations. —— 当 –i 被指定为密封时,TPMA_OBJECT_SIGN_ENCRYPT 和TPMA_OBJECT_DECRYPT从默认属性集中删除。该算法以对象仅对密封和解封有效的方式设置。即不能使用对象进行密封加密操作。

    When -L is specified for adding policy based authorization information AND no string password is specified, the attribute TPMA_OBJECT_USERWITHAUTH is cleared unless an explicit choice is made by setting of the attribute with -a option. This prevents creation of objects with inadvertent auth model where in user intended to enforce a policy but inadvertently created an object with empty auth which can be used instead of policy authorization. —— 指定-L并且未指定字符串密码为添加基于策略的授权信息时,除非通过使用-a选项设置属性做出明确选择,否则将清除属性TPMA_OBJECT_USERWITHAUTH。这可以防止创建具有无意身份验证模型的对象,其中用户打算强制执行策略,但无意中创建了具有空身份验证的对象,该对象可用于代替策略授权。

  • -i--sealing-input=FILE or STDIN:

    The data file to be sealed, optional. If file is -, read from stdin. When sealing data only the TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH algorithm with a NULL scheme is allowed. Thus, -G cannot be specified. —— 要密封的数据文件,可选。如果文件是 -,从标准输入读取。密封数据时,仅允许使用 NULL 方案的TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH算法。因此,无法指定-G 。

  • -L--policy=FILE or HEX_STRING:

    The input policy file or a hex string, optional. —— 输入策略文件,可选。

  • -u--public=FILE:

    The output file which contains the public portion of the created object, optional. —— 包含已创建对象的公共部分的输出文件,可选。

  • -r--private=FILE:

    The output file which contains the sensitive portion of the object, optional.  —— 包含对象敏感部分的输出文件,可选。可以移出TPM的对象需要受到保护其机密性和完整性。此blob包含对象的敏感部分。对象的敏感部分受到父对象的保护,使用父对象的对称加密细节来加密敏感数据并对其进行HMAC。

  • -c--key-context=FILE:

    The output file which contains the key context, optional. The key context is analogous to the context file produced by tpm2_load(1), however is generated via a tpm2_createloaded(1) command. This option can be used to avoid the normal tpm2_create(1) and tpm2_load(1) command sequences and do it all in one command, atomically. —— 包含密钥上下文的输出文件,可选。key-context类似于tpm2_load生成的上下文文件,但是是通过tpm2_createloaded命令生成的。此选项可用于避免正常的tpm2_create和tpm2_load命令序列,并以原子方式在一个命令中完成所有操作。

  • --creation-data=FILE:

    An optional file output that saves the creation data for certification. —— 一个可选的文件输出,保存创建数据以供认证。

    • --template-data=FILE:

    An optional file output that saves the key template data (TPM2B_PUBLIC) to be used in tpm2_policytemplate. —— 一个可选的文件输出,保存要在tpm2_policytemplate中使用的密钥模板数据 (TPM2B_PUBLIC) 。

  • -t--creation-ticket=FILE:

    An optional file output that saves the creation ticket for certification. —— 一个可选的文件输出,用于保存创建ticket以供认证。

  • -d--creation-hash=FILE:

    An optional file output that saves the creation hash for certification. —— 一个可选的文件输出,用于保存创建哈希以供认证。

  • -q--outside-info=HEX_STR_OR_FILE:

    An optional hex string or path to add unique data to the creation data. Note that it does not contribute in creating statistically unique object. —— 用于将唯一数据添加到创建数据的可选十六进制字符串或路径。它不会有助于创建统计上唯一的对象。

  • -l--pcr-list=PCR:

    The list of PCR banks and selected PCRs' ids for each bank to be included in the creation data for certification. —— PCR banks列表和每个banks的选定 PCR 的 ID ,将包含在创建数据中以进行认证。

  • --cphash=FILE

    File path to record the hash of the command parameters. This is commonly termed as cpHash. NOTE: When this option is selected, The tool will not actually execute the command, it simply returns a cpHash. —— 记录命令参数哈希的文件路径。这通常称为cpHash。注意:选择此选项时,该工具不会实际执行命令,它只是返回一个cpHash。

  • --rphash=FILE

    File path to record the hash of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. —— 记录响应参数哈希的文件路径。这通常被称为rpHash。

  • -S--session=FILE:

    The session created using tpm2_startauthsession. Multiple of these can be specified. For example, you can have one session for auditing and another for encryption/decryption of the parameters. —— 使用tpm2_startauthsession创建的会话。可以指定其中的多个。例如,您可以有一个会话用于审计,另一个用于参数的加密/解密。

pubkey options

Public key format.
  • -o--output=FILE:

    The output file path, recording the public portion of the object. —— 输出文件路径,记录对象的公共部分。


tpm2_options *tpm2_options_new(const char *short_opts, size_t len,const struct option *long_opts, tpm2_option_handler on_opt,tpm2_arg_handler on_arg, uint32_t flags) {tpm2_options *opts = calloc(1, sizeof(*opts) + (sizeof(*long_opts) * len));if (!opts) {LOG_ERR("oom");return NULL;}/** On NULL, just make it a zero length string so we don't have to keep* checking it for NULL.*/if (!short_opts) {short_opts = "";}opts->short_opts = strdup(short_opts);if (!opts->short_opts) {LOG_ERR("oom");free(opts);return NULL;}opts->callbacks.on_opt = on_opt;opts->callbacks.on_arg = on_arg;opts->len = len;opts->flags = flags;memcpy(opts->long_opts, long_opts, len * sizeof(*long_opts));return opts;

tpm2_new_options函数很容易理解,其功能是基于tpm2_tool_onstart函数中的struct option topts构建tpm2_options实例(*opts)。
