> 文章列表 > C++命令模式 指挥家:掌控命令模式之美

C++命令模式 指挥家:掌控命令模式之美

C++命令模式 指挥家:掌控命令模式之美

C++指挥家:掌控命令模式之美 (C++ Conductor: Master the Beauty of Command Pattern

  • 一、引言 (Introduction)
    • 1.1 命令模式概述 (Overview of Command Pattern)
    • 1.2 命令模式的应用场景 (Application Scenarios of Command Pattern)
  • 二、命令模式的基本概念 (Basic Concepts of Command Pattern)
    • 2.1 接收者(Receiver)
    • 2.2 命令(Command)
    • 2.3 调用者(Invoker)
    • 2.4 具体命令(Concrete Command)
    • 2.5 命令模式UML图
  • 三、C++实现命令模式 (Implementing Command Pattern in C++)
    • 3.1 设计接收者类 (Designing the Receiver Class)
    • 3.2 设计命令接口 (Designing the Command Interface)
    • 3.3 实现具体命令类 (Implementing the Concrete Command Classes)
  • 四、命令模式的优缺点 (Pros and Cons of Command Pattern)
    • 4.1 命令模式的优点 (Advantages of Command Pattern)
    • 4.2 命令模式的缺点 (Disadvantages of Command Pattern)
  • 五、命令模式的应用实例 (Application Examples of Command Pattern)
    • 5.1 图形编辑器 (Graphic Editor)
    • 5.2 播放器控制 (Player Control)
  • 六、结语

一、引言 (Introduction)

1.1 命令模式概述 (Overview of Command Pattern)

命令模式(Command Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,主要用于将请求发送者和请求接收者解耦。该模式涉及四个角色:接收者(Receiver)、命令(Command)、调用者(Invoker)和具体命令(Concrete Command)。命令模式的核心思想是将请求封装成对象,从而实现对操作的高度灵活性。

Command Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that primarily decouples the request sender and the request receiver. It involves four roles: Receiver, Command, Invoker, and Concrete Command. The core idea of the command pattern is to encapsulate requests into objects, thereby achieving high flexibility for operations.

1.2 命令模式的应用场景 (Application Scenarios of Command Pattern)


  1. 当需要将请求发送者和请求接收者解耦时,可以使用命令模式。这使得调用者和接收者之间的联系变得更加松散,增强了系统的灵活性。
  2. 当需要实现对请求的撤销、重做或者存储请求操作历史记录等功能时,命令模式可以为你提供帮助。
  3. 当系统需要支持一组可配置的操作时,命令模式可以实现动态地组合操作和修改操作顺序。
  4. 当系统需要实现异步操作或者需要将操作放入队列中进行处理时,命令模式也很适用。

Command pattern is suitable for the following scenarios:

  1. When you need to decouple the request sender and request receiver, you can use the command pattern. This makes the connection between the caller and the receiver more relaxed, enhancing the flexibility of the system.
  2. When you need to implement undo, redo, or store request operation history, the command pattern can help you.
  3. When the system needs to support a set of configurable operations, the command pattern can dynamically combine and modify operation orders.
  4. When the system needs to implement asynchronous operations or needs to put operations into a queue for processing, the command pattern is also very suitable.

二、命令模式的基本概念 (Basic Concepts of Command Pattern)

2.1 接收者(Receiver)


Receiver is the object responsible for executing specific operations in the Command Pattern. It contains all the specific implementation methods of the operations. Generally, the receiver is separate from the command itself, and they do not interact directly.

2.2 命令(Command)


Command is an abstract class or interface that defines a method called execute(), which takes a Receiver instance as a parameter. The command object is used to encapsulate a request to perform an operation, decoupling the request from the actual operation.

2.3 调用者(Invoker)


Invoker is responsible for initiating requests and executing commands. It contains one or more command objects and triggers the execute() method of the command object when needed. The invoker does not need to care about the specific implementation of the command, it only needs to know how to initiate a request.

2.4 具体命令(Concrete Command)

具体命令(Concrete Command)是命令接口的具体实现。每一个具体命令都包含了一个接收者(Receiver)实例,该实例负责执行与该命令相关的操作。当调用者触发execute()方法时,具体命令将调用接收者的相应方法以完成实际操作。

Concrete Command is the specific implementation of the Command interface. Each concrete command contains a Receiver instance responsible for performing the operation associated with the command. When the invoker triggers the execute() method, the concrete command will call the corresponding method of the receiver to complete the actual operation.

2.5 命令模式UML图


  1. Command(抽象命令):一个接口或抽象类,定义了execute()方法。
  2. ConcreteCommand(具体命令):实现Command接口的具体类,实现了execute()方法,并持有Receiver的引用。
  3. Receiver(接收者):执行具体操作的类,包含具体操作的实现方法。
  4. Invoker(调用者):持有Command对象的类,负责发起请求和执行命令。


+-------------------+      +-------------------+      +--------------------+
|    Invoker        |      |     Command       |      |    Receiver        |
+-------------------+      +-------------------+      +--------------------+
| +setCommand(cmd)  |<-----| +execute() : void |----->| +action() : void   |
| +executeCommand() |      +-------------------+      +--------------------+
+-------------------+              ^                            ^|                            |+------------------+          +---------------+| ConcreteCommand  |          | SpecificReceiver |+------------------+          +---------------+| +execute() : void |          | +action() : void |+------------------+          +---------------+


三、C++实现命令模式 (Implementing Command Pattern in C++)

3.1 设计接收者类 (Designing the Receiver Class)


#include <iostream>class Light {
public:void turnOn() {std::cout << "Light is on." << std::endl;}void turnOff() {std::cout << "Light is off." << std::endl;}


3.2 设计命令接口 (Designing the Command Interface)


class Command {
public:virtual void execute() = 0;

3.3 实现具体命令类 (Implementing the Concrete Command Classes)


class TurnOnLightCommand : public Command {
private:Light &light;public:TurnOnLightCommand(Light &light) : light(light) {}void execute() override {light.turnOn();}
};class TurnOffLightCommand : public Command {
private:Light &light;public:TurnOffLightCommand(Light &light) : light(light) {}void execute() override {light.turnOff();}


四、命令模式的优缺点 (Pros and Cons of Command Pattern)

4.1 命令模式的优点 (Advantages of Command Pattern)

  1. 解耦请求发送者与请求接收者:命令模式将请求发送者(Invoker)与请求接收者(Receiver)解耦,使它们之间的联系变得更加松散,有助于系统的灵活性和可扩展性。
  2. 易于扩展新命令:使用命令模式时,如果需要添加新的操作,只需要实现一个新的具体命令类即可,无需修改已有的代码。
  3. 支持撤销、重做等操作:命令模式可以轻松地实现撤销、重做等功能。通过存储已执行的命令对象,并实现相应的撤销和重做方法,可以实现这些功能。
  4. 支持将命令放入队列和异步执行:命令模式可以将多个命令放入队列中进行处理。此外,它还可以支持异步操作,将操作放入后台线程中执行。

4.2 命令模式的缺点 (Disadvantages of Command Pattern)

  1. 增加了系统的复杂性:命令模式引入了许多新的类,如抽象命令类、具体命令类等。这使得系统的复杂性增加,增加了学习和理解的难度。
  2. 可能导致类数量过多:由于每个操作都需要一个具体命令类,所以当有大量操作时,可能导致类数量急剧增加,使系统变得庞大和难以维护。
  3. 增加了间接性:命令模式将请求发送者与接收者之间增加了一个抽象层次。这虽然带来了一定程度的解耦,但也增加了系统的间接性,可能导致调试和定位问题更加困难。


五、命令模式的应用实例 (Application Examples of Command Pattern)

5.1 图形编辑器 (Graphic Editor)


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory> // C++11特性: shared_ptr
#include <algorithm> // C++14特性: std::find_if, std::remove_if
#include <any> // C++17特性: std::anyclass Circle {
public:Circle(int id) : id(id) {}void draw() const {std::cout << "Draw circle with ID: " << id << std::endl;}int getID() const {return id;}private:int id;
};class GraphicEditor {
public:void addCircle(std::shared_ptr<Circle> circle) {circles.push_back(circle);}void removeCircle(int id) {circles.erase(std::remove_if(circles.begin(), circles.end(),[id](const auto& circle) { return circle->getID() == id; }), // C++14特性: auto, lambda expressioncircles.end());}void printCircles() const {std::cout << "Current circles:" << std::endl;for (const auto& circle : circles) { // C++11特性: auto, range-based for loopcircle->draw();}}private:std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Circle>> circles;


// Command Interface
class Command {
public:virtual ~Command() = default; // C++11特性: 默认函数=defaultvirtual void execute() = 0;
};// Concrete Command: AddCircleCommand
class AddCircleCommand : public Command {
public:AddCircleCommand(GraphicEditor& editor, int id) : editor(editor), circle(std::make_shared<Circle>(id)) {} // C++14特性: std::make_sharedvoid execute() override {editor.addCircle(circle);}private:GraphicEditor& editor;std::shared_ptr<Circle> circle;
};// Concrete Command: RemoveCircleCommand
class RemoveCircleCommand : public Command {
public:RemoveCircleCommand(GraphicEditor& editor, int id) : editor(editor), id(id) {}void execute() override {editor.removeCircle(id);}private:GraphicEditor& editor;int id;
};// Invoker: CommandHandler
class CommandHandler {
public:void setCommand(std::shared_ptr<Command> command) {this->command = command;}void executeCommand() {if (command) {command->execute();}}private:std::shared_ptr<Command> command;
};int main() {GraphicEditor editor;CommandHandler handler;auto addCircleCommand = std::make_shared<AddCircleCommand>(editor, 1);auto removeCircleCommand = std::make_shared<RemoveCircleCommand>(editor, 1);handler.setCommand(addCircleCircleCommand);handler.executeCommand(); // 添加圆形editor.printCircles(); // 输出: Draw circle with ID: 1handler.setCommand(addCircleCommand);handler.executeCommand(); // 再次添加圆形editor.printCircles(); // 输出: Draw circle with ID: 1, Draw circle with ID: 1handler.setCommand(removeCircleCommand);handler.executeCommand(); // 删除圆形editor.printCircles(); // 输出: Draw circle with ID: 1std::any userData; // C++17特性: std::anyuserData = 42;std::cout << "UserData: " << std::any_cast<int>(userData) << std::endl; // 输出: UserData: 42return 0;}

在上面的代码中,我们使用了命令模式重构了简化版的图形编辑器,并展示了如何添加和删除圆形。同时,我们使用了C++11,C++14和C++17的特性,如shared_ptrautolambda expressionmake_sharedany等,并提供了详细注释。

5.2 播放器控制 (Player Control)


#include <iostream>
#include <memory> // C++11特性: shared_ptr
#include <any> // C++17特性: std::any
#include <optional> // C++17特性: std::optionalclass Player {
public:void play() {std::cout << "Playing..." << std::endl;}void pause() {std::cout << "Paused." << std::endl;}void stop() {std::cout << "Stopped." << std::endl;}


// Command Interface
class Command {
public:virtual ~Command() = default; // C++11特性: 默认函数=defaultvirtual void execute() = 0;
};// Concrete Command: PlayCommand
class PlayCommand : public Command {
public:explicit PlayCommand(Player& player) : player(player) {} // C++11特性: explicit关键字void execute() override {player.play();}private:Player& player;
};// Concrete Command: PauseCommand
class PauseCommand : public Command {
public:explicit PauseCommand(Player& player) : player(player) {}void execute() override {player.pause();}private:Player& player;
};// Concrete Command: StopCommand
class StopCommand : public Command {
public:explicit StopCommand(Player& player) : player(player) {}void execute() override {player.stop();}private:Player& player;
};// Invoker: RemoteController
class RemoteController {
public:void setCommand(std::shared_ptr<Command> command) {this->command = command;}void pressButton() {if (command) {command->execute();}}private:std::shared_ptr<Command> command;
};int main() {Player player;RemoteController remote;auto playCommand = std::make_shared<PlayCommand>(player);auto pauseCommand = std::make_shared<PauseCommand>(player);auto stopCommand = std::make_shared<StopCommand>(player);remote.setCommand(playCommand);remote.pressButton(); // 输出: Playing...remote.setCommand(pauseCommand);remote.pressButton(); // 输出: Paused.remote.setCommand(stopCommand);remote.pressButton(); // 输出: Stopped.// C++17特性: std::optionalstd::optional<int> maybeValue;if (!maybeValue.has_value()) { // 当前没有值maybeValue = 42;}if (maybeValue.has_value()) { // 现在有值了std::cout << "Optional value: " << maybeValue.value() << std::endl; // 输出: Optional value: 42}return 0;




