> 文章列表 > Qt QImage scaled方法缩放中的问题

Qt QImage scaled方法缩放中的问题

Qt QImage scaled方法缩放中的问题

最近在某些测试中发现,QImage 先按照一定的比例进行缩放,在对QImage对象进行绘制等操作后,使用以下的方式将其恢复到其原来的尺寸。


void ImageBaseWidget::zoomImage(QMouseEvent *event)
{if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress){m_brushPt = event->pos();}else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove){QPointF pt = event->pos() - m_brushPt;m_dScale = m_dScale - pt.y() * 0.0032;if (m_dScale <= 0.1){m_dScale = 0.1;}QPointF tmp = transWindowPosToPicture(event->pos());m_paintPt = event->pos() - tmp * m_dScale;DrawTool::ImageShow img = m_img;m_show = img.img.scaled(img.size * m_dScale, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);m_mask = m_maskOri.scaled(img.size * m_dScale, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);update();m_brushPt = event->pos();}else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease){m_brushPt = QPoint(0, 0);}


DrawTool::ImageShow img = m_img;
m_maskOri = m_mask.scaled(img.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);


  • 当原始图像长宽相同,即图像是正方形时,图像能够正常恢复
  • 当原始图像长宽不同,即图像是矩形时,恢复之后的图像要宽高度、要么长度会少 1个像素



QImage QImage::scaled(const QSize &size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation) constReturns a copy of the image scaled to a rectangle defined by the given size according to the given aspectRatioMode and transformMode.


Constant                        Value           Description
Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio             0             The size is scaled freely. The aspect ratio is not preserved.Qt::KeepAspectRatio               1             The size is scaled to a rectangle as large as possible inside a given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio.Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding    2             The size is scaled to a rectangle as small as possible outside a given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio.


QImage QImage::scaled(const QSize& s, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const
{if (!d) {qWarning("QImage::scaled: Image is a null image");return QImage();}if (s.isEmpty())return QImage();QSize newSize = size();newSize.scale(s, aspectMode);newSize.rwidth() = qMax(newSize.width(), 1);newSize.rheight() = qMax(newSize.height(), 1);if (newSize == size())return *this;QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale((qreal)newSize.width() / width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / height());QImage img = transformed(wm, mode);return img;

它是首先根据图像的 size 、需要缩放之后的比例以及是否保持长宽比生成一个新的 size,再用这个size和图像的size生成一个转换矩阵,最后根据矩阵转换进行图像缩放。

通过我对这部分代码单步测试,最后发现在执行 newSize.scale(s, aspectMode); 这行代码之后,尺寸已经别缩减了1个像素。


QSize QSize::scaled(const QSize &s, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) const Q_DECL_NOTHROW
{if (mode == Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio || wd == 0 || ht == 0) {return s;} else {bool useHeight;qint64 rw = qint64(s.ht) * qint64(wd) / qint64(ht);if (mode == Qt::KeepAspectRatio) {useHeight = (rw <= s.wd);} else { // mode == Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpandinguseHeight = (rw >= s.wd);}if (useHeight) {return QSize(rw, s.ht);} else {return QSize(s.wd,qint32(qint64(s.wd) * qint64(ht) / qint64(wd)));}}



对这部分代码进行测试,最后发现在 qint64 rw = qint64(s.ht) * qint64(wd) / qint64(ht); 这行代码之后,rw的值和我们预期有了误差。或许你已经发现问题了,因为我们前面进行图像的缩小时,使用缩放比例是根据鼠标在屏幕上的位移计算得来的,这个缩放比是个double类型的数值。

但恢复之后会将double类型的数值强制转换为 qint64 类型。而正是这部分的转换出现了误差。


QImage ImageBaseWidget::imgScaled(const QSize& size, const QImage& img, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode, Qt::TransformationMode mode)
{QSize newSize = img.size();qint64 rw = qint64(size.height()) * qint64(newSize.width()) / qint64(newSize.height());bool useHeight = aspectMode == Qt::KeepAspectRatio ? (rw <= size.width()) : (rw >= size.width());if (useHeight){newSize = QSize(rw, qint64(newSize.height()));}else{newSize = QSize(size.width(), qint32(qint64(size.width()) * qint64(newSize.height()) / qint64(newSize.width())));}//newSize.scale(size, aspectMode);newSize.rwidth() = qMax(size.width(), qMax(newSize.width(), 1));newSize.rheight() = qMax(size.height(), qMax(newSize.height(), 1));QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale((qreal)newSize.width() / img.width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / img.height());QImage t = img.transformed(wm, mode);return t;

修改方法也是比较简单的,只是单纯的在计算之后,判断一下调用了 scale 之后的QSize和预期的size的大小,并且选择了较大者。

就在我测试之后并暗暗得意的时候,我突然发现,这不就是 QImage 以忽略长宽比的方式进行缩放的功能,也就是下面这样。

DrawTool::ImageShow img = m_img;
m_maskOri = m_mask.scaled(img.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);

对比一下,只是一个简单的数值的修改,可比写了一个函数的方法简单多了, 而我,在计算了长宽比之后,还是选择了最初的size,多走了很多路。

