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Python 小型项目大全 56~60

Python 小型项目大全 56~60



Python 小型项目大全 56~60

质数是只能被 1 和它自己整除的数。质数有各种各样的实际应用,但是没有算法可以预测它们;我们必须一次计算一个。然而,我们知道有无限多的质数有待发现。

这个程序通过强力计算找到质数。它的代码类似于项目 24,“因子寻找器。”(另一种描述质数的方式是,一和数本身是它唯一的因子。)你可以从en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number那里找到更多关于质数的信息。



Prime Numbers, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Enter a number to start searching for primes from:
(Try 0 or 1000000000000 (12 zeros) or another number.)
> 0
Press Ctrl-C at any time to quit. Press Enter to begin...
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, `--snip--`


isPrime()函数接受一个整数,如果它是质数,则返回True。否则,它返回False。如果你想了解这个项目,项目 24 是值得研究的。isPrime()函数本质上是寻找给定数字中的任何因子,如果找到任何因子,就返回False

这个程序中的算法可以快速找到大质数。一万亿这个数字只有 10 位数。但是要找到像古戈尔一样大的质数(一个 1 后面跟着 100 个 0),你需要使用一种高级算法,比如 Rabin-Miller 素性测试。我的书《Python 密码破解指南》第 22 章有这个算法的 Python 实现。

"""Prime Numbers, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Calculates prime numbers, which are numbers that are only evenly
divisible by one and themselves. They are used in a variety of practical
More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number
This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming
Tags: tiny, math, scrolling"""import math, sysdef main():print('Prime Numbers, by Al Sweigart email@protected')print('Prime numbers are numbers that are only evenly divisible by')print('one and themselves. They are used in a variety of practical')print('applications, but cannot be predicted. They must be')print('calculated one at a time.')print()while True:print('Enter a number to start searching for primes from:')print('(Try 0 or 1000000000000 (12 zeros) or another number.)')response = input('> ')if response.isdecimal():num = int(response)breakinput('Press Ctrl-C at any time to quit. Press Enter to begin...')while True:# Print out any prime numbers:if isPrime(num):print(str(num) + ', ', end='', flush=True)num = num + 1  # Go to the next number.def isPrime(number):"""Returns True if number is prime, otherwise returns False."""# Handle special cases:if number < 2:return Falseelif number == 2:return True# Try to evenly divide number by all numbers from 2 up to number's# square root.for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(number)) + 1):if number % i == 0:return Falsereturn True# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == '__main__':try:main()except KeyboardInterrupt:sys.exit()  # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program. 



  1. 如果将第 22 行的response.isdecimal()改为response,并输入一个非数字作为开始搜索质数的数字,会出现什么错误?
  2. 如果把第 38 行的number < 2改成number > 2会怎么样?
  3. 如果把第 46 行的number % 1 == 0改成number % i != 0会怎么样?



Python 小型项目大全 56~60




Progress Bar Simulation, by Al Sweigart
[█████████                               ] 24.6% 1007/4098


进度条依赖于在终端窗口中运行的程序可以执行的某种技巧。正如'\\n''\\t'分别是换行符和制表符的转义符一样,'\\b'是退格字符的转义符。如果您“打印”一个退格字符,文本光标将向左移动,并擦除先前打印的字符。这只适用于文本光标所在的当前行。如果运行代码print('Hello\\b\\b\\b\\b\\bHowdy'),Python 将打印文本"Hello",将文本光标向后移动五格,然后打印文本HowdyHowdy文本将覆盖Hello,让它看起来像是你直接打印了Hello


一旦创建了这个程序,就可以通过运行import progressbar并打印从progressbar.getProgressBar()返回的字符串,在其他 Python 程序中显示进度条。

"""Progress Bar Simulation, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A sample progress bar animation that can be used in other programs.
This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming
Tags: tiny, module"""import random, timeBAR = chr(9608) # Character 9608 is '█'def main():# Simulate a download:print('Progress Bar Simulation, by Al Sweigart')bytesDownloaded = 0downloadSize = 4096while bytesDownloaded < downloadSize:# "Download" a random amount of "bytes":bytesDownloaded += random.randint(0, 100)# Get the progress bar string for this amount of progress:barStr = getProgressBar(bytesDownloaded, downloadSize)# Don't print a newline at the end, and immediately flush the# printed string to the screen:print(barStr, end='', flush=True)time.sleep(0.2)  # Pause for a little bit:# Print backspaces to move the text cursor to the line's start:print('\\b' * len(barStr), end='', flush=True)def getProgressBar(progress, total, barWidth=40):"""Returns a string that represents a progress bar that has barWidthbars and has progressed progress amount out of a total amount."""progressBar = ''  # The progress bar will be a string value.progressBar += '['  # Create the left end of the progress bar.# Make sure that the amount of progress is between 0 and total:if progress > total:progress = totalif progress < 0:progress = 0# Calculate the number of "bars" to display:numberOfBars = int((progress / total) * barWidth)progressBar += BAR * numberOfBars  # Add the progress bar.progressBar += ' ' * (barWidth - numberOfBars)  # Add empty space.progressBar += ']'  # Add the right end of the progress bar.# Calculate the percentage complete:percentComplete = round(progress / total * 100, 1)progressBar += ' ' + str(percentComplete) + '%'  # Add percentage.# Add the numbers:progressBar += ' ' + str(progress) + '/' + str(total)return progressBar  # Return the progress bar string.# If the program is run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == '__main__':main() 


  • 创建一个旋转器的单行动画,它在角色|/-\\之间交替,以产生旋转效果。
  • 创建一个程序,可以显示从左向右移动的文本滚动字幕。
  • 创建一个单行动画,显示一组四个等号作为一个单元来回移动,类似于电视节目霹雳游侠中机器人车上的红色扫描灯或电视节目太空堡垒卡拉狄加中的赛昂机器人脸。



  1. 如果删除或注释掉第 29 行的print('\\b' * len(barStr), end='', flush=True)会发生什么?
  2. 如果把第 48 行和第 49 行的顺序对调会怎么样?
  3. 如果把 53 行的round(progress / total * 100, 1)改成round(progress / total * 100)会怎么样?



Python 小型项目大全 56~60

彩虹是一个简单的程序,显示了一个彩色的彩虹在屏幕上来回移动。该程序利用了这样一个事实,即当新的文本行出现时,现有的文本会向上滚动,使其看起来像是在移动。这个项目对初学者来说很好,它类似于项目 15“深坑”


图 58-1 显示了运行rainbow.py时的输出。

Python 小型项目大全 56~60




"""Rainbow, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Shows a simple rainbow animation. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming
Tags: tiny, artistic, bext, beginner, scrolling"""import time, systry:import bext
except ImportError:print('This program requires the bext module, which you')print('can install by following the instructions at')print('https://pypi.org/project/Bext/')sys.exit()print('Rainbow, by Al Sweigart email@protected')
print('Press Ctrl-C to stop.')
time.sleep(3)indent = 0  # How many spaces to indent.
indentIncreasing = True  # Whether the indentation is increasing or not.try:while True:  # Main program loop.print(' ' * indent, end='')bext.fg('red')print('##', end='')bext.fg('yellow')print('##', end='')bext.fg('green')print('##', end='')bext.fg('blue')print('##', end='')bext.fg('cyan')print('##', end='')bext.fg('purple')print('##')if indentIncreasing:# Increase the number of spaces:indent = indent + 1if indent == 60:  # (!) Change this to 10 or 30.# Change direction:indentIncreasing = Falseelse:# Decrease the number of spaces:indent = indent - 1if indent == 0:# Change direction:indentIncreasing = Truetime.sleep(0.02)  # Add a slight pause.
except KeyboardInterrupt:sys.exit()  # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program. 



  1. 如果把第 44 行的False改成True会怎么样?
  2. 如果将所有bext.fg()调用的参数都改为'random',会发生什么?



Python 小型项目大全 56~60


这个游戏的一个变种,见项目 60,“石头剪刀布(必胜版本)。”



Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Al Sweigart email@protected
- Rock beats scissors.
- Paper beats rocks.
- Scissors beats paper.0 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit
> r
ROCK versus...
You win!
1 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit


石头剪刀布的游戏逻辑相当简单,我们在这里用if - elif语句实现它。为了增加一点悬念,第 45 至 51 行在揭示对手的移动之前倒计时,在计数之间有短暂的停顿。这给了玩家一段时间,让他们对游戏的结果感到兴奋。如果没有这种停顿,结果会在玩家开始移动时立即出现——有点虎头蛇尾。为玩家改善用户体验并不需要很多代码。

"""Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Al Sweigart email@protected
The classic hand game of luck.
This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming
Tags: short, game"""import random, time, sysprint('''Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Al Sweigart email@protected
- Rock beats scissors.
- Paper beats rocks.
- Scissors beats paper.
''')# These variables keep track of the number of wins, losses, and ties.
wins = 0
losses = 0
ties = 0while True:  # Main game loop.while True:  # Keep asking until player enters R, P, S, or Q.print('{} Wins, {} Losses, {} Ties'.format(wins, losses, ties))print('Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit')playerMove = input('> ').upper()if playerMove == 'Q':print('Thanks for playing!')sys.exit()if playerMove == 'R' or playerMove == 'P' or playerMove == 'S':breakelse:print('Type one of R, P, S, or Q.')# Display what the player chose:if playerMove == 'R':print('ROCK versus...')playerMove = 'ROCK'elif playerMove == 'P':print('PAPER versus...')playerMove = 'PAPER'elif playerMove == 'S':print('SCISSORS versus...')playerMove = 'SCISSORS'# Count to three with dramatic pauses:time.sleep(0.5)print('1...')time.sleep(0.25)print('2...')time.sleep(0.25)print('3...')time.sleep(0.25)# Display what the computer chose:randomNumber = random.randint(1, 3)if randomNumber == 1:computerMove = 'ROCK'elif randomNumber == 2:computerMove = 'PAPER'elif randomNumber == 3:computerMove = 'SCISSORS'print(computerMove)time.sleep(0.5)# Display and record the win/loss/tie:if playerMove == computerMove:print('It\\'s a tie!')ties = ties + 1elif playerMove == 'ROCK' and computerMove == 'SCISSORS':print('You win!')wins = wins + 1elif playerMove == 'PAPER' and computerMove == 'ROCK':print('You win!')wins = wins + 1elif playerMove == 'SCISSORS' and computerMove == 'PAPER':print('You win!')wins = wins + 1elif playerMove == 'ROCK' and computerMove == 'PAPER':print('You lose!')losses = losses + 1elif playerMove == 'PAPER' and computerMove == 'SCISSORS':print('You lose!')losses = losses + 1elif playerMove == 'SCISSORS' and computerMove == 'ROCK':print('You lose!')losses = losses + 1 


  • 在游戏中加入“蜥蜴”和“斯波克”的招式。蜥蜴毒死斯波克,吃纸,却被石头碾碎,被剪刀斩首。斯波克折断剪刀,蒸发岩石,但被蜥蜴毒死,被纸证明是错误的。
  • 允许玩家每次胜利赢得一分,每次失败失去一分。一旦获胜,玩家还可以承担“双倍或零”的风险,以可能在随后的回合中赢得 2、4、8、16 以及更多的点数。



  1. 如果将第 54 行的random.randint(1, 3)改为random.randint(1, 300),会得到什么错误?
  2. 如果把第 65 行的playerMove == computerMove改成True会怎么样?



Python 小型项目大全 56~60

石头剪刀布的变体与项目 59“石头剪刀布”相同,只是玩家总是赢。选择计算机招式的代码被设置为总是选择失败的招式。你可以把这个游戏提供给你的朋友,他们赢的时候可能会很兴奋。。。一开始。看看他们需要多长时间才能意识到游戏被操纵对他们有利。



Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Al Sweigart email@protected
- Rock beats scissors.
- Paper beats rocks.
- Scissors beats paper.0 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit
> p
PAPER versus...
You win!
1 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit
> s
SCISSORS versus...
You win!
2 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
SCISSORS versus...
You win!
413 Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties
Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit


你可能会注意到这个版本的程序比项目 59 要短。这是有意义的:当你不必为计算机随机生成一步棋并计算游戏的结果时,你可以从原始代码中删除相当多的代码。也没有变量来跟踪损失和平局的数量,因为无论如何这些都是零。

"""Rock,Paper, Scissors (Always Win version)
By Al Sweigart email@protected
The classic hand game of luck, except you always win.
This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming
Tags: tiny, game, humor"""import time, sysprint('''Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Al Sweigart email@protected
- Rock beats scissors.
- Paper beats rocks.
- Scissors beats paper.
''')# These variables keep track of the number of wins.
wins = 0while True:  # Main game loop.while True:  # Keep asking until player enters R, P, S, or Q.print('{} Wins, 0 Losses, 0 Ties'.format(wins))print('Enter your move: (R)ock (P)aper (S)cissors or (Q)uit')playerMove = input('> ').upper()if playerMove == 'Q':print('Thanks for playing!')sys.exit()if playerMove == 'R' or playerMove == 'P' or playerMove == 'S':breakelse:print('Type one of R, P, S, or Q.')# Display what the player chose:if playerMove == 'R':print('ROCK versus...')elif playerMove == 'P':print('PAPER versus...')elif playerMove == 'S':print('SCISSORS versus...')# Count to three with dramatic pauses:time.sleep(0.5)print('1...')time.sleep(0.25)print('2...')time.sleep(0.25)print('3...')time.sleep(0.25)# Display what the computer chose:if playerMove == 'R':print('SCISSORS')elif playerMove == 'P':print('ROCK')elif playerMove == 'S':print('PAPER')time.sleep(0.5)print('You win!')wins = wins + 1 


  • 在游戏中加入“蜥蜴”和“斯波克”的招式。蜥蜴毒死斯波克,吃纸,却被石头碾碎,被剪刀斩首。斯波克折断剪刀,蒸发岩石,但被蜥蜴毒死,被纸证明是错误的。
  • 允许玩家每赢一次就赢得一分。一旦获胜,玩家还可以承担“双倍或零”的风险,以可能赢得 2、4、8、16 以及更多的点数。



  1. 如果删除或注释掉第 33 到 57 行会发生什么?
  2. 如果把第 22 行的input('> ').upper()改成input('> ')会怎么样?