> 文章列表 > 日撸 Java 三百行day23-24

日撸 Java 三百行day23-24

日撸 Java 三百行day23-24


  • 说明
  • day25 二叉树深度遍历的栈实现 (中序)
    • 1.具有通用性的对象栈
    • 2.栈实现中序遍历
      • 2.1 思路
      • 2.2 代码
  • day26 二叉树深度遍历的栈实现 (前序和后序)
    • 1.前序遍历
    • 2.后序遍历


闵老师的文章链接: 日撸 Java 三百行(总述)_minfanphd的博客-CSDN博客

day25 二叉树深度遍历的栈实现 (中序)


package datastructure.stack;import sun.applet.Main;public class ObjectStack {/*** The depth.*/public static final int MAX_DEPTH = 10;/*** The actual depth.*/int depth;/*** The data*/Object[] data;/*** Construct an empty sequential list.*/public ObjectStack() {depth = 0;data = new Object[MAX_DEPTH];}/*** Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.* @return*/public String toString() {String resultString = "";for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {resultString += data[i];}return resultString;}/*** Push an element.* @param paraObject  The given object.* @return Success or not.*/public boolean push(Object paraObject){if (depth == MAX_DEPTH) {System.out.println("Stack full.");return false;}data[depth] = paraObject;depth++;return true;}/*** Pop an element.* @return The object at the top of the stack.*/public Object pop() {if (depth == 0) {System.out.println("Nothing to pop.");return '\\0';}Object resultObject = data[depth - 1];depth--;return resultObject;}/*** Is the stack empty?* @return True if empty.*/public boolean isEmpty() {if (depth == 0) {return true;}return false;}public static void main(String args[]) {ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();for (char ch = 'a'; ch < 'm'; ch++) {tempStack.push(new Character(ch));System.out.println("The current stack is: " + tempStack);}char tempChar;for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {tempChar = ((Character)tempStack.pop()).charValue();System.out.println("Poped: " + tempChar);System.out.println("The current stack is: " + tempStack);}}}


2.1 思路


日撸 Java 三百行day23-24
日撸 Java 三百行day23-24

2.2 代码

/*** In-order visit with stack.*/public void inOrderVisitWithStack(){ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();BinaryCharTree tempNode = this;while (!tempStack.isEmpty() || tempNode != null){if (tempNode != null){tempStack.push(tempNode);tempNode = tempNode.leftChild;} else {tempNode = (BinaryCharTree)tempStack.pop();System.out.print("" + tempNode.value + " ");tempNode = tempNode.rightChild;}}}

日撸 Java 三百行day23-24

day26 二叉树深度遍历的栈实现 (前序和后序)


前序遍历顺序是根-左-右 ,而在入栈时入栈顺序和中序是一样的,而要输出中序顺序,则需要修改一下,在push之前先输出

    /*** Pre-order visit with stack.*/public void preOrderVisitWithStack() {ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();BinaryCharTree tempNode = this;while (!tempStack.isEmpty() || tempNode != null) {if (tempNode != null) {System.out.print("" + tempNode.value + " ");tempStack.push(tempNode);tempNode = tempNode.leftChild;} else {tempNode = (BinaryCharTree) tempStack.pop();tempNode = tempNode.rightChild;}}}


结合文章中后序遍历的两种思想,第一种是直接写,第二种是逆向思维,等价替换问题(这个思维很好,学习到了。),由前序遍历:根-左-右,交换左右子树为根-右-左,最后再将其逆序变为左-右-根。 借助两个栈,一个栈和前序中序的存节点出入栈一样,这样保证入栈顺序,另一个栈是将原本需要输入的数据存入栈中(输入顺序为根-右-左),在所有节点遍历完,再将这个存出栈顺序数据的栈打印输出就是以左-右-根输出(将栈先进后出用到极致)

    /*** Pre-order visit with stack.*/public void preOrderVisitWithStack() {ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();BinaryCharTree tempNode = this;while (!tempStack.isEmpty() || tempNode != null) {if (tempNode != null) {System.out.print("" + tempNode.value + " ");tempStack.push(tempNode);tempNode = tempNode.leftChild;} else {tempNode = (BinaryCharTree) tempStack.pop();tempNode = tempNode.rightChild;}}}/*** Post-order visit with stack.*/public void postOrderVisitWithStack() {ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();BinaryCharTree tempNode = this;ObjectStack tempOutputStack = new ObjectStack();while (!tempStack.isEmpty() || tempNode != null) {if (tempNode != null) {//Store for output.tempOutputStack.push(new Character(tempNode.value));tempStack.push(tempNode);tempNode = tempNode.rightChild;} else {tempNode = (BinaryCharTree) tempStack.pop();tempNode = tempNode.leftChild;}}//Now reverse output.while (!tempOutputStack.isEmpty()) {System.out.print("" + tempOutputStack.pop() + " ");}}

日撸 Java 三百行day23-24